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A New Dawn: Easter Through Mary Magdalene’s Eyes
A New Dawn: Easter Through Mary Magdalene’s Eyes
Easter is on March 31 this year, and in the days leading up to this important holiday, we are in a season that resonates with the hope of resurrection and the promise of new beginnings.
How Will You Use Your Extra Day?
How Will You Use Your Extra Day?
February has 29 days this year, which means you’ve been given the gift of an extra day. How will you use it to bring glory to God? In this leap year, let’s look at some of the things that we as believers should be leaping into with both feet!
Seven Things That Look Different from God’s Perspective
Seven Things That Look Different from God’s Perspective
As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we can find ourselves immersed in the enchanting imagery of the season. Charming nativity scenes, well-designed greeting cards, and endearing Christmas pageants all depict the humble infant Jesus cradled in the arms of Mary and Joseph. We sing of a baby peacefully sleeping in serene surroundings, and it’s a scene that warms our
Why Jesus Came
Why Jesus Came
As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we can find ourselves immersed in the enchanting imagery of the season. Charming nativity scenes, well-designed greeting cards, and endearing Christmas pageants all depict the humble infant Jesus cradled in the arms of Mary and Joseph. We sing of a baby peacefully sleeping in serene surroundings, and it’s a scene that warms our
50 Reasons to Give Thanks
50 Reasons to Give Thanks
Half a century of faith, love, and ministry has brought us to an incredible milestone: 50 years as a church! It’s an opportunity to reflect on the numerous blessings that have shaped our journey. From the smallest moments of grace to the grandest acts of God’s providence, there are so many reasons for us to bow our heads in gratitude.
Learning for Life
Learning for Life
It’s the time of year when kids are going back to school, settling into routines of studying and learning. But what about you? Are you studying the Bible and learning new lessons from God’s Word? The Bible is our timeless source of wisdom, holding the power to transform our lives. Let’s talk about three reasons we should prioritize the continuous
Anticipating Christ’s Return
Anticipating Christ’s Return
As believers, the return of Christ is one of the most eagerly anticipated events we look forward to. It is when Jesus will return to earth and take his rightful place as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. It is when all things will be made new, and the world will finally be free from sin and suffering.