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50 Reasons to Give Thank

Celebrating 50 Years of Faith

November 21, 2023 | Harvest

Half a century of faith, love, and ministry has brought us to an incredible milestone: 50 years as a church! It’s an opportunity to reflect on the numerous blessings that have shaped our journey. From the smallest moments of grace to the grandest acts of God’s providence, there are so many reasons for us to bow our heads in gratitude.

As we celebrate 50 years as a church together, here are 50 reasons that we as believers have to give thanks in this season of Thanksgiving.

  1. Salvation: The gift of unmerited salvation through Jesus Christ.
  2. Faith: The faith that has sustained us through the years.
  3. Community: Our church family, a constant source of support and love.
  4. Worship: The privilege of coming together to worship the Lord.
  5. Bible: God’s Word that guides and inspires us.
  6. Prayer: The power of prayer that gives us direct access to God.
  7. Leadership: Wise and dedicated leaders who have guided us.
  8. Unity: The unity we share as members of the Body of Christ.
  9. Hope: The anchor of hope that grounds our faith.
  10. Love: God’s amazing love that binds us together.
  11. Grace: God’s undeserved favor upon our lives.
  12. Mercy: His boundless mercy that forgives our sins.
  13. Family: Our network of support, love, and forgiveness.
  14. Fellowship: The joy of doing life with like-minded believers.
  15. Generosity: The generous hearts of all who cheerfully give.
  16. Service: The opportunity to live like Jesus by serving others.
  17. Missions: Our local and global work to spread God’s love.
  18. Children: The blessing of children in our church.
  19. Youth: The energy and enthusiasm of our youth.
  20. Wisdom: God’s wisdom that guides our decisions.
  21. Peace: The peace that surpasses all understanding.
  22. Joy: The joy of the Lord that is our strength.
  23. Healing: God’s healing touch for the sick and broken.
  24. Comfort: His comfort in times of sorrow and despair.
  25. Encouragement: A community that lifts one another up.
  26. Gratitude: The power and perspective of a thankful heart.
  27. Music: The gift of astounding music and talented musicians.
  28. Nature: The unsurpassed beauty of God’s creation.
  29. Freedom: The freedom to worship without fear.
  30. Eternal Life: The promise of eternity with Jesus.
  31. Trials: Lessons learned through hard times.
  32. Restoration: God’s ability to restore and renew.
  33. Diversity: A congregation diverse in backgrounds, gifts, and talents.
  34. Faithfulness: God’s faithfulness through the decades.
  35. Guidance: His guidance in times of uncertainty.
  36. Testimonies: Inspiring stories of changed lives.
  37. New Beginnings: Opportunities for fresh starts.
  38. Mentors: Spiritual mentors who have guided us.
  39. Holidays: Special times of celebration and reflection.
  40. Sacraments: Remembering what matters through Baptism and Communion.
  41. Humble Beginnings: Remembering where we started.
  42. Sacrifice: The sacrifices of time, talent, and treasure given by many.
  43. Friendship: Lifelong relationships formed here.
  44. Blessings: Countless blessings along the way.
  45. Learning: Growing in knowledge and understanding.
  46. Protection: Safety and security, both physical and spiritual.
  47. Creativity: Expressing our faith through art and creativity.
  48. Heavenly Rewards: The promise of unfathomable blessings to come.
  49. Future Generations: Passing on our faith to the next generation.
  50. God’s Promises: Trusting in God’s promises for the future.

As we commemorate 50 years of our church’s journey, each of the blessings above is like a thread that has been woven into an amazing banner of God’s faithfulness over our congregation.

May we as a church continue to walk in faith, knowing that the best is yet to come, and that our future is secure in the hands of the One who has brought us this far.

Happy Thanksgiving, and may we have many more years of gratitude and celebration ahead!

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