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Rethinking Evangelism
Rethinking Evangelism
Some Christians get uptight when they hear the word evangelism, especially when it feels that evangelizing is a duty that they are required to do.
Honoring Mothers: A Tribute to Love, Sacrifice, and Faith
10 Lessons We Can Learn from Fathers of the Bible
Fatherhood is a sacred role, characterized by love, guidance, and sacrifice. Throughout the pages of Scripture, we encounter several fathers whose lives offer important lessons and insights into the essence of fatherhood.
Honoring Mothers: A Tribute to Love, Sacrifice, and Faith
Honoring Mothers: A Tribute to Love, Sacrifice, and Faith
As the month of May unfolds, we remember the special day dedicated to celebrating the extraordinary women who have shaped our lives in profound ways: Mother’s Day. This day of celebration offers us the much-deserved opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude and admiration for the nurturing, selfless love of mothers everywhere.
Building Healthy Relationships: 4 Simple Tips from the Bible
Building Healthy Relationships: 4 Simple Tips from the Bible
Relationships are like the pieces of a puzzle that make our lives complete. Whether with family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, or others, relationships play a major role in our happiness.
A New Dawn: Easter Through Mary Magdalene’s Eyes
A New Dawn: Easter Through Mary Magdalene’s Eyes
Easter is on March 31 this year, and in the days leading up to this important holiday, we are in a season that resonates with the hope of resurrection and the promise of new beginnings.
How Will You Use Your Extra Day?
How Will You Use Your Extra Day?
February has 29 days this year, which means you’ve been given the gift of an extra day. How will you use it to bring glory to God? In this leap year, let’s look at some of the things that we as believers should be leaping into with both feet!
Seven Things That Look Different from God’s Perspective
Seven Things That Look Different from God’s Perspective
As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we can find ourselves immersed in the enchanting imagery of the season. Charming nativity scenes, well-designed greeting cards, and endearing Christmas pageants all depict the humble infant Jesus cradled in the arms of Mary and Joseph. We sing of a baby peacefully sleeping in serene surroundings, and it’s a scene that warms our