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Discipling widowed women through the study of God’s Word and small-group interaction through a new life after loss.

Virtue Widow’s group is designed to equip women with God’s Word so they can make a godly impact in their homes, workplaces, and schools. Through weekly teachings, lessons, and small groups, you’ll grow in the knowledge of the Lord, experience fellowship with likeminded believers, and be equipped to influence your world for Jesus Christ.

Groups watch a live or video message and then have a time of discussion, reviewing their insights from both the message and written studies. They meet in homes or on campus at various times.

Ministry Information

Overseeing Pastor
Brad Ormonde

Ministry Coordinator
Patsy McKee


Upcoming Ministry Events

HK Date Night
Upcoming Events, Kids, Children, Care, Activities
HK Family Party
Upcoming Events, Kids, Family, Activities
Men's Prayer Breakfast
Upcoming Events, Prayer, Men