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Ushers and Greeters

A ministry for those called to serve by greeting and assisting those who attend Harvest Christian Fellowship.

The greeters and ushers at Harvest are dedicated to making you feel welcome. Our ushers and greeters are available at every service to help people find their seats, answer questions, remove distractions, pass out or collect materials and, of course, offer a friendly smile and a warm handshake. We are always in need of more ushers and greeters, so if you are interested in helping, please contact our ministry!


Ministry Information

Overseeing Pastor
Elijah Braggs - Riverside / Mike Jonker - Orange County

Ministry Coordinator
Don Oaks

Upcoming Ministry Events

Harvest Maui New Campus
Upcoming Events
HK Date Night
Upcoming Events, Kids, Children, Care, Activities
Men's Prayer Breakfast
Upcoming Events, Prayer, Men