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Welcome + Connect Booth

How you can help in Harvest Welcome + Connect Booth Ministries:

We are looking for team members who have a passion and heart for people and who are willing to get to know their visitors by asking questions and listening to them so they can better understand what they need. We need those who exude patience, love, and care, just like Jesus loves and cares for us daily.

How you can help in Harvest’s Welcome + Connect Booth Ministries:

We are looking for team members who have a passion and heart for people and who are willing to get to know their visitors by asking questions and listening to them so they can better understand what they need. We need those who exude patience, love, and care, just like Jesus loves and cares for us daily.

What to expect:

You are on the front lines by joining the Welcome + Connect Booth. The Welcome Team consists of individuals geared towards helping first-time visitors. From assisting with childcare to helping with seating and much more, our team is equipped with information and is here to ensure that each visitor has the best experience possible at Harvest.

The Connect Team caters to assisting church members rather than first-time visitors. Our Connect Team seeks to plug church members deeper by administering flyers of current events going on or coming up at Harvest, providing free coffee or water, having meaningful conversations, and answering any questions anyone may have.

What do our Volunteers say about serving in the Welcome + Connect Booth Ministries:

“I remember what it was like being new, and my goal each week is to make others feel seen and noticed while being intentional in my interactions with them. I love meeting new people each week, answering their questions, and making them feel welcomed and loved! Serving at the Welcome + Connect booth has been one of the greatest experiences, and I’m thankful I took a leap of faith to step out and serve here!”

Hours expected:

Estimated 1 hour per service shift.

Church Attendance:

At least six months to provide accurate information to new and incoming church members.

Serve opportunities:

Please Note: Serve Leads will contact you with specific serve times based on your selected service.

  • Riverside: Sunday Morning Services: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 12:00 PM
  • Orange County: Sunday Morning Services: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 12:00 PM
  • Maui: Sunday Mornings: 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM
  • Additional Opportunities: Special Events

Who to talk to:

How you can help in Harvest Welcome + Connect Booth Ministries:

We are looking for team members who have a passion and heart for people and who are willing to get to know their visitors by asking questions and listening to them so they can better understand what they need. We need those who exude patience, love, and care, just like Jesus loves and cares for us daily.

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How you can help in the Harvest Usher Ministry

We are looking for those who love to smile and make guests feel welcome and invited as they arrive and enter the sanctuary.

How you can help in Harvest’s Usher Ministry

We are looking for those who love to smile and make guests feel welcome and invited as they arrive and enter the sanctuary.

What to expect:

Ushers hold a special and vital role in representing the church and providing a warm and comforting environment for guests to come and worship the Lord. As a ministry, we gather before the service to discuss any special needs for that day. We will then assign each usher to a specific area to serve in for that upcoming service.

Various Usher duties include greeting, assisting with seating, and collecting tithes and offerings. At the end of the service, we ask that ushers walk through the designated section and help gather any items that may have been left behind.

What do our Volunteers say about serving in the Usher Ministry:

“To serve the Lord is an honor, a blessing, and a privilege. By ushering people to their seats, I feel like I get to be the vessel of spreading God’s love to others as they enter the church, and I also get to play a role in really making sure that they know they’re welcomed here. Being used by God as an usher brings great joy to my life. Nothing in the world can compare to the joy I feel when I get to serve the Lord in this capacity. I really love the feeling of worshipping God through service–specifically in my duties as an usher.”

Hours expected:

Estimated 1 hour per service shift.

Serve opportunities:

Please Note: Serve Leads will contact you with specific serve times based on your selected service.

  • Riverside: Sunday Morning Services: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 12:00 PM
  • Orange County: Sunday Morning Services: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 12:00 PM
  • Maui: Sunday Mornings: 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM
  • Additional Opportunities: Special Events

Who to talk to:

How you can help in the Harvest Usher Ministry

We are looking for those who love to smile and make guests feel welcome and invited as they arrive and enter the sanctuary.

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How you can help in the Harvest Greeter Ministry:

We are looking for friendly volunteers who are committed to dynamically greeting each guest upon arrival. The ministry encompasses Sign Holders, Foyer Greeters, and Greeters scattered throughout various spaces on Sunday mornings.

How you can help in Harvest’s Greeter Ministry:

We are looking for friendly volunteers who are committed to dynamically greeting each guest upon arrival. The ministry encompasses Sign Holders, Foyer Greeters, and Greeters scattered throughout various spaces on Sunday mornings.

What to expect:

Harvest’s Greeter Ministry strives to create a welcoming environment by greeting each guest enthusiastically as though you were expecting them. Through every interaction, they maintain positive body language. This includes smiling, making eye contact, standing with good posture, and having genuine conversation.

Our Foyer Greeters are assigned to a particular area and communicate details specific to the weekend. These greeters will stand outside the door and welcome guests by opening the door for them and verbally greeting them. Our volunteers are willing to engage with and serve every guest, retrieve coffee refills, clean up, and personally escort any guest who asks where something is located, as needed. The goal of our Foyer Greeters is to authentically help our church attendees feel welcomed, valued, and cared for.

Sign Holders will greet everyone with enthusiasm and excitement. Our volunteers have a smile on their faces and ensure their area is covered while still moving around and having fun!

What do our Volunteers say about serving in the Greeter Ministry:

“This was the very first ministry I ever got involved in, and I’m still here. I love to greet others so much! You never know who you’re going to encounter. Some may be having a great day, and some may be having a horrible day, but when you smile at someone, acknowledge them, ask them their name, ask how you can pray for them, and show them that they matter, it can change their whole day. I always remind myself to greet others like I would want to be greeted, and it’s been a game changer. We all have so much fun greeting, and it often involves dancing, which is a bonus! Come join the greeting party!”

Hours expected:

Estimated 1 hour per service shift.

Serve opportunities:

Please Note: Serve Leads will contact you with specific serve times based on your selected service.

  • Riverside: Sunday Morning Services: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 12:00 PM
  • Orange County: Sunday Morning Services: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 12:00 PM
  • Maui: Sunday Mornings: 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM
  • Additional Opportunities: Special Events

Who to talk to:

How you can help in the Harvest Greeter Ministry:

We are looking for friendly volunteers who are committed to dynamically greeting each guest upon arrival. The ministry encompasses Sign Holders, Foyer Greeters, and Greeters scattered throughout various spaces on Sunday mornings.

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Parking Lot

How you can help in the Harvest Parking Lot Ministry:

We are looking for enthusiastic and heartfelt volunteers who are willing to navigate and direct traffic upon guest arrival and departure on Sunday mornings, as well as at various special events throughout the year.

How you can help in Harvest’s Parking Lot Ministry:

We are looking for enthusiastic and heartfelt volunteers who are willing to navigate and direct traffic upon guest arrival and departure on Sunday mornings and at various special events throughout the year.

What to expect:

The Parking Lot Ministry serves the people who regularly attend Harvest Church and their guests. This team is the first to say hello and the last to say goodbye to those that enter our church campuses. As these volunteers direct and maneuver the parking of vehicles on Sunday mornings, the Parking Lot Ministry exists to make Harvest a safe environment for people to fellowship at and visit.

What do our Volunteers say about serving in the Parking Lot Ministry:

“I love serving in the Parking Lot Ministry because we have the opportunity to bless others. It really isn’t us, but God that is doing the blessing through us, and He is graciously using us as tools. Often, we will be out in the parking lot, and we will notice somebody that seems upset, or maybe they’re having a bad day, and God puts it on our heart to go talk to them and say “Hello!” or “Welcome!” and cheer them up. When we do that, the Lord blesses other people through our intentional interactions. Additionally, the friendships, the fellowship, and the love you develop with the people you’re serving alongside is really something that you can’t get if you don’t serve. You learn to get over the hilltops and through the valleys together, pray with each other, help each other out, and carry each other’s burdens. There’s just so much fellowship that goes on when you’re serving, and it adds a lot of depth and value to the church experience.”

Hours expected:

Estimated 1 hour per service shift.

Serve opportunities:

Please Note: Serve Leads will contact you with specific serve times based on your selected service.

  • Riverside: Sunday Mornings: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 12:00 PM
  • Orange County: Sunday Mornings: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 12:00 PM
  • Maui: Sunday Mornings: 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM
  • Additional Opportunities: Special Events and Saturday morning prep for Sunday Morning Services

Who to talk to:

How you can help in the Harvest Parking Lot Ministry:

We are looking for enthusiastic and heartfelt volunteers who are willing to navigate and direct traffic upon guest arrival and departure on Sunday mornings, as well as at various special events throughout the year.

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How you can help in Harvest’s Security Ministry:

Do you have a keen sense of detail? Are you quick on your feet and a forward thinker? Do you have law enforcement experience or a military background? The Harvest Security ministry is looking to add attentive volunteers, team players, and those who have the desire to protect the thousands of people who enter our Harvest campuses each week.

How you can help in Harvest’s Security Ministry:

Do you have a keen sense of detail? Are you quick on your feet and a forward thinker? Do you have law enforcement experience or a military background? The Harvest Security ministry is looking to add attentive volunteers, team players, and those who have the desire to protect the thousands of people who enter our Harvest campuses each week.

What to expect:

The Security Ministry protects and monitors the property, church attendees, and visitors that frequent our Harvest campuses. This team ensures that safety is the top priority while positively interacting with the various individuals that come onto our campuses. By joining these vigilant volunteers, you get to play a part in safeguarding our church grounds and, at the same time, building deep camaraderie with the team.

A basic background check is required.

Experience in Law Enforcement or the Military is excellent however not a prerequisite.

What do our Volunteers say about the Harvest’s Security Ministry:

“Serving alongside the Security Team here has been rich. The camaraderie I was welcomed into is something I needed more than I feel like the team needed me. The Lord has gifted each of us with specific gifts, and I get to use practical skills through my previous experience, not just to protect this campus and the church attendees, but I also get to serve and glorify the Lord at the same time.”

Hours expected:

Estimated 90-minute service shifts.

Church Attendance:

Due to the sensitive nature of this position, there is a minimum requirement of 1 year of salvation and 1 year of regular church attendance at Harvest Christian Fellowship.

Serve opportunities:

Please Note: Serve Leads will contact you with specific serve times based on your selected service.

  • Riverside: Sunday Morning Services: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 12:00 PM
  • Orange County: Sunday Morning Services: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 12:00 PM
  • Maui: Sunday Mornings: 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM
  • Additional Opportunities: Special events throughout the week and days and evenings.

Who to talk to:

How you can help in Harvest’s Security Ministry:

Do you have a keen sense of detail? Are you quick on your feet and a forward thinker? Do you have law enforcement experience or a military background? The Harvest Security ministry is looking to add attentive volunteers, team players, and those who have the desire to protect the thousands of people who enter our Harvest campuses each week.

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Bookstore Attendant

How you can help in The Shoppe as a Bookstore Attendant:

The bookstore team in The Shoppe is looking for energetic team members who love sharing knowledge and recommendations of books and curated gifts within the store. When serving within the bookstore, you will enjoy building connections with others through shared interests and assisting visitors in their diverse buying needs.

How you can help in The Shoppe as a Bookstore Attendant:

The bookstore team in The Shoppe is looking for energetic team members who love sharing knowledge and recommendations of books and curated gifts within the store. When serving within the bookstore, you will enjoy building connections with others through shared interests and assisting visitors in their diverse buying needs.

What to expect:

The Shoppe Bookstore team will assist in providing a positive visitor experience, processing payments, taking written requests for special orders for customers, keeping up with the overall organization of the store, the rotation and placement of new products within the bookstore, and the general cleanliness to ensure a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

What Our Volunteers Say About Serving in The Shoppe as a Bookstore Attendant:

“I would consider myself more of an introvert. However, stepping outside my comfort zone and serving within the bookstore has allowed me to really connect with others who attend Harvest. I get to play a small part in meeting their needs by assisting in a practical way.”

Hours expected:

Estimated 1 hour per service shift.

Serve opportunities:

Please Note: Serve Leads will contact you with specific serve times based on your selected service.

  • Riverside: Sunday Morning Services: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 12:00 PM
  • Orange County: Sunday Morning Services: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 12:00 PM
  • Additional Opportunities: Special Events

Who to talk to:

How you can help in The Shoppe as a Bookstore Attendant:

The bookstore team in The Shoppe is looking for energetic team members who love sharing knowledge and recommendations of books and curated gifts within the store. When serving within the bookstore, you will enjoy building connections with others through shared interests and assisting visitors in their diverse buying needs.

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Facility Team

How you can help in the Harvest Facility Team:

Do you find joy in completing tasks with your hands? Are you not afraid of a little bit of dirt and sweat? The Harvest Facility Team, a combination of both the custodial and maintenance team, is looking for detail-oriented, ambitious, hands-on individuals eager to serve our church campuses in functional and practical ways.

How you can help in the Harvest Facility Team:

Do you find joy in completing tasks with your hands? Are you not afraid of a little bit of dirt and sweat? The Harvest Facility Team, a combination of both the custodial and maintenance team, is looking for detail-oriented, ambitious, hands-on individuals eager to serve our church campuses in functional and practical ways.

What to expect:

The Facility Team works to ensure a clean and safe environment for anyone who steps foot on our Harvest campuses. This includes performing routine cleaning tasks indoors and outdoors, cleaning floors, washing walls and glass, and removing garbage. Further responsibilities include supporting our Facility Team in various woodworking projects, painting, and minor repairs and improvements around the Harvest grounds. In addition to these tasks, the Facility Team assists in the vital upkeep throughout each campus by utilizing their expertise and physical strength, all while promoting Harvest's culture, values, and mission statement.

What do our Volunteers say about the Harvest Facility Team:

"I have found a lot of joy in serving alongside the Facility Team. I never knew there were ongoing and everyday needs within the church campuses until I began serving with this team. We all work together to not only carry out the day-to-day duties and establish a clean and sanitized environment, but we also get to play a part in building, assembling, and executing one-of-a-kind pieces for Harvest. It has been so fruitful, and the deep and genuine camaraderie formed through our unique skill sets and efforts are unmatched."

Hours expected:

Hours will vary.

Serve opportunities:

Please Note: Serve Leads will contact you with specific serve times based on your selected service.

  • Riverside: Sunday Morning Services at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 12:00 PM
  • Orange County: Sunday Morning Services at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 12:00 PM
  • Maui: Sunday Mornings at 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM
  • Additional Opportunities: Special Events, Throughout the Week and Saturday Set-Up

Who to talk to:

How you can help in the Harvest Facility Team:

Do you find joy in completing tasks with your hands? Are you not afraid of a little bit of dirt and sweat? The Harvest Facility Team, a combination of both the custodial and maintenance team, is looking for detail-oriented, ambitious, hands-on individuals eager to serve our church campuses in functional and practical ways.

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