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New Believer’s Groups

Riverside | Orange County

Join us at Harvest for a six-week start-up course on all you need to know to start your walk with Christ! If you’re a new believer or need a refresher on the basics of faith, this class will be a great and encouraging place to start. We will answer important questions like: “Why should I read the Bible?” “Why and how should I pray?” “Why is going to church important?” “Why and how should I share Jesus with others?”


Details & Schedule: 

We meet on Monday nights at 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM in the Space at Riverside and in the Loft at Orange County. Our time begins with a brief teaching, followed by a small group discussion.

Registration is not required, and *Harvest Kids is available at the Riverside campus.


Mondays | 7:00 PM | Riverside & OC

June 17 | Attend Church
June 24 | Share Your Faith
July 1 | Trials and Temptation
July 8 | Live in God’s Power & Obey God
July 15 | Study the Bible
July 22 | How to Pray
July 29 | Attend Church
August 5 | Share Your Faith
August 12 | Trials and Temptation
August 19 | Live in God’s Power & Obey God
August 26 | Study the Bible

September 2 | No Class (church offices closed)

September 9 | How to Pray
September 16 | Attend Church
September 23 | Share Your Faith
September 30 | Trials and Temptation
October 7 | Live in God’s Power & Obey God

October 14 | No Class (church offices closed)

October 21 | Study the Bible
October 28 | How to Pray
November 4 | Attend Church
November 11 | Share Your Faith
November 18 | Trials and Temptation
November 25 | Live in God’s Power & Obey God
December 2 | Study the Bible
December 9 | How to Pray
December 16 | Attend Church

December 23 | No Class (church offices closed)
December 30 – No Class (church offices closed)