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Breakfast with Jesus!

If you could have breakfast with anyone from history, who would you choose? This Easter, Pastor Greg Laurie explained that He would choose to have breakfast with Jesus!

Jesus’ ministry was very much centered around food. He is often depicted in the Gospels to be preparing or eating a meal with his disciples. This is how He fellowshipped and shared His message.


When Jesus rose from the grave, no one could quite believe what they were seeing. With His hands wounded as evidence of His sacrifice, He was going to each of His followers sharing the Good News of His resurrection.

Despite His incredible journey into death and back, Jesus still ministered through food! Even when the disciples first reunited with Jesus, He was already preparing breakfast for them. Imagine it! There stood before the disciples the resurrected, physical Jesus. None of these disciples ever thought they would see Jesus alive again. He had been beaten beyond human recognition. But here He was, alive and well and sitting before them, serving them a meal.


Jesus also appeared to 500 men at one time. And not only that, but He also miraculously fed them limitlessly. He used food as a way to reach people both before and after His resurrection.

But the truth of the matter is—death died when Christ rose. The resurrection was the death of death. And what does that mean to us? It means that we can eat and minister and fellowship without fear because Christ paid the ultimate price to purchase us on that cross.


This Easter at Harvest, we had eight services across our Riverside and Orange County campuses! And we were so happy to see over 400 new faces this weekend alone. Thank you, church family, for bringing people to Easter service! It is through your works and devotion that we are seeing so many people give their lives to Christ and join His kingdom.

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