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A New Dawn:

Easter Through Mary Magdalene’s Eyes

March 1, 2024 | Harvest

Easter is on March 31 this year, and in the days leading up to this important holiday, we are in a season that resonates with the hope of resurrection and the promise of new beginnings.

Let’s take a few moments to consider the Easter story from Mary Magdalene’s point of view. Her journey from despair to joy serves as a testimony of how each of us can be transformed when we encounter the risen Christ.

In the Garden: A Time of Sorrow
The Gospel of John (20:11–18) recounts the poignant scene in the garden where Mary Magdalene, heart heavy with grief, discovered the empty tomb. In her sorrow, she wept, unable to fathom the disappearance of the body of her beloved Rabbi. The world seemed draped in darkness as she grappled with the enormity of the loss.

Encountering the Risen Christ: A Revelation of Joy
But in her moment of despair, Mary encountered Jesus. Initially, she mistakes Him for the gardener, but when He speaks her name, Mary recognizes Him, and joy fills her heart. The One she thought lost forever is alive, and a new dawn begins—both for her personally and for the whole world! The tender exchange between Master and disciple reveals the depth of Jesus’ love for His followers.

A Message of Hope: The Power of Resurrection
Mary Magdalene becomes the bearer of the most profound news in history: the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Her journey from grief to joy summarizes the essential message of Easter: God can bring life from death. In our own lives, we may face moments of darkness, uncertainty, and despair. Yet, Easter reminds us that God specializes in turning the bleakest moments into opportunities for resurrection.

The Commission to Share the Good News
After her encounter with the risen Christ, Mary becomes a messenger of hope. Jesus instructs her to go and tell the disciples about His resurrection. In a world that so desperately needs the Good News of redemption and new life, we are similarly called to share the message of Easter with those around us.

Easter Blessings
As we prepare our hearts for the Easter celebration, may we find encouragement in Mary Magdalene’s journey from the depths of sorrow to the heights of joy. May her experience inspire us to hold fast to the hope that springs from the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the profound message of Easter. As we reflect on Mary Magdalene’s encounter with the risen Christ, may we too experience transformation that only your resurrection power is able to give. Bless us with the boldness to share the Good News of your resurrection and hope with a world in need. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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