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2023 is here! Will it be a year when we step outside of our comfort zone and take new steps of faith? Or will we shrink back into the predictable, comfortable habits of last year?

As believers, we know that it’s important to share our faith with others. But often, we are hesitant or even fearful of doing so. Why are we sometimes afraid to talk to others about our relationship with the Lord? Some of us may be worried about saying the wrong thing, being rejected, or causing conflict in our established relationships. Others may simply feel intimidated by the idea of evangelism or unsure of how to go about it.

It’s important to remember that God has not called us to do the work of evangelism alone. He Himself is with us and will give us the words and the courage we need to share our faith with others. We just need to ask Him!

It’s also important to remember that evangelism is not about us or our own abilities. It’s about sharing the love and message of Jesus with others and allowing Him to work through us. So even when we feel hesitant or unsure, we can trust that God will give us the strength and guidance we need to step out in boldness and share our faith with the world around us.

As we’re just getting started in this brand-new year, let’s be intentional and purposeful in making evangelism a key part of our daily lives. Here are five important aspects of sharing the gospel with others in 2023.

  1. Pray for opportunities to share your faith. One of the most important things you can do as you seek to bring evangelism into the new year is to pray for opportunities to share your faith with others. Ask God to bring people into your life who are open to hearing about Jesus, and be ready to take advantage of those opportunities when they come. When you are looking for open doors, you’re not likely to be caught off guard when those doors suddenly appear in front of you.
  2. Share your testimony. One powerful way to share the gospel is to talk about your own story of how Jesus has transformed your life. Don’t be afraid to tell others about how your life used to be and how Jesus has brought you to a new way of thinking and living. Sharing your testimony can be a powerful way to build a bridge to the gospel.
  3. Invite someone to church. Sometimes sharing the gospel starts with just a simple invitation to church. Friends, neighbors, classmates, coworkers, and family members are all part of your mission field; consider inviting all of them to church with you. Attending church together can be a great way to build relationships and will likely lead to further discussions about what you believe and why.
  4. Use social media to share the gospel. In today’s digital age, social media is a great way to share your hope in Jesus—if it’s done with tact and from a motivation of love. Be sure to be respectful and considerate of others’ beliefs and opinions. You might be tempted to respond to confrontational comments and posts in way that stokes an argument, but remember to keep Jesus’ never-ending love at the heart of all you say (or refrain from saying).
  5. Get involved in evangelism efforts at Harvest. Our church offers so many opportunities to get involved and reach out to our community—from street evangelism to local outreach events to spiritual films like Jesus Revolution or Johnny Cash: The Redemption of an American Icon. Don’t stand on the sidelines; get skin in the game and be an active participant in the work Harvest is doing to tell the world about Jesus.

As our culture gets spiritually darker with each passing day, it’s not difficult to see that the world desperately needs Jesus! Let’s each make it our firm resolution to reach out and share His love with those around us in the coming year.

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