3 Reasons the SoCal Harvest Crusade Is Just What We Need Right Now
June 15, 2023 | Harvest
Large-scale evangelism has been integral to Christian outreach since the church’s inception. The Book of Acts describes the events of Pentecost Sunday, where Peter’s sermon led to thousands of people being saved in one place at the same time. But with changing times, the question is sometimes asked, “Is large-scale evangelism still effective?”
Short answer: Absolutely!
Here are three reasons why we need the SoCal Harvest Crusade now more than ever.
- Crusade evangelism brings the gospel to thousands.
The world is desperate for the hope that only the gospel provides. The SoCal Harvest Crusade has brought the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ to thousands of people for more than 30 years and has seen countless lives transformed by the power of the gospel.
Critics of large-scale evangelism may argue that it is ineffective or produces shallow or short-lived conversions. But while every person who goes down to the field at the end of a crusade may not become a sincere believer, many people who make a profession of faith follow through with their declaration and become committed followers of Jesus. Here are testimonials from just three of the hundreds who have written us to tell us their stories:
- “16 years ago, I walked down to that field and have walked with Jesus ever since. Tonight my 14-year-old son walked down and made a profession of faith! God is good!”
- “I went to a funeral yesterday of my Sunday School teacher. His testimony was that he got saved 25 years ago after hearing you preach. He ended up being a powerful, Spirit-filled evangelist who led many people to Christ. Thank you.”
- “I got to watch my brother walk down years ago at a Harvest in San Diego… I hadn’t spoken to him in many years before that, and that night, while up in the highest bleachers with binoculars in hand skimming over the crowd…there he was down on the field! Restoration took place that evening not only for him but for us both! Many lives are changed at the Crusades because one man has chosen to obey and follow the calling God has for him! Thank you.”
- Crusade events unite Christians.
The SoCal Harvest Crusade provides a place for believers to come together in celebration and fellowship. This year’s theme centers on worship, and there is nothing so powerful to witness as believers from a variety of denominations and congregations lifting up their voices in united worship of their King. At the 2023 SoCal Harvest Crusade, we will be led by worship leaders that include Chris Tomlin, Michael W. Smith, Passion, Phil Wickham, and Taya.
There is always an atmosphere of belonging and unity in the air at a Harvest Crusade, where believers are energized and enlivened not only by the music and message but by the sense of being part of something bigger—a movement of the Holy Spirit.
- Crusade events ignite personal evangelism.
Large-scale evangelistic events like the SoCal Harvest Crusade can serve as a catalyst for personal evangelism. The event is not just a one-time experience, but rather an opportunity for attendees to be inspired and equipped to share their faith with others in their own communities. The ripple effect of a Crusade always leads to even more people hearing the gospel and coming to faith in Christ long after the event is over.
The SoCal Harvest Crusade is exactly what we need today.
The world needs Jesus now more than ever! The SoCal Harvest Crusade has the potential to ignite revival and bring people to faith in Christ. It provides a platform for thousands of people to hear the gospel, unites Christians in worship, and inspires individuals to go out into their circles of influence with renewed boldness for Christ.
In a world where wickedness is on the rise and the church is more divided than ever, the SoCal Harvest Crusade offers a unique opportunity for Christians to come together and make a difference. We hope to see you at this year’s Crusade, happening July 1–2 at the Honda Center in Anaheim.