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How Will You Use Your Extra Day?

A Leap Year Challenge

February 1, 2024 | Harvest

February has 29 days this year, which means you’ve been given the gift of an extra day. How will you use it to bring glory to God?

In this leap year, let’s look at some of the things that we as believers should be leaping into with both feet!

Leap into Deeper Connections
Take a leap into building stronger connections with one another. God created us for community, and this extra day gives us an opportunity to invest time in our church family or in the world around us. Reach out to someone you haven’t caught up with in a while, share your story with someone new, or take intentional steps to build meaningful connections with those you love.

Leap into Kindness
This leap year, let’s make it a point to spread God’s kindness like it’s confetti. A smile, a helping hand, or a word of encouragement—even the smallest acts are opportunities to demonstrate God’s lovingkindness to those around us.

Leap into Prayer
Prayer is our direct line to God, so why not take a leap into a deeper prayer life? Use your extra day to spend intentional time in conversation with God. Seek His guidance, pour out your heart, and listen for His still, small voice in the quiet moments.

Leap into God’s Word
Which is the better choice: spending extra hours playing games on your phone or leaping into the richness of God’s Word? Dive into Scripture, explore passages you haven’t visited in a while, and let God’s truth shape your perspective. Consider joining a Harvest Group or starting a devotional reading plan to keep the momentum going throughout the year.

Leap into Serving Others
Jesus set the ultimate example of service, and this leap year, let’s follow in His footsteps. Take a leap into serving others—we’ve got lots of opportunities to put your time and talents to work at Harvest Church. You can make a significant impact on the lives of others.

Leap into Generosity
God loves a cheerful giver. Let’s take a leap into generosity this year. Whether it’s with our finances, time, or resources, let’s embrace the joy of giving. Look for opportunities to support those in need and make a real and lasting difference in the lives of others.

Leap into Faith-Filled Risks
Is God nudging you to take a step—or a leap—of faith? Whether it’s stepping into a new ministry, sharing your faith with a friend, or trusting Him in a new season of life, take that leap of faith, and watch how God unfolds His plans.

So, church family, as we enjoy our extra day in 2024, let’s make it count. Leap into all that God has for you in this year of possibilities. Who knows what amazing things God has in store for us?

Here’s to a year filled with faith, growth, and joyful leaps!

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