What is the Young Adults Ministry at Harvest Church?
Our Young Adults Ministry is a vibrant community within Harvest Church focused on fostering spiritual growth, meaningful connections, and relevant discussions.
When and where does the Young Adults Ministry meet?
We meet every Friday at 7 PM at Harvest Riverside and Harvest Orange County. Check our calendar on the website for any special events.
Who can join the Young Adults Ministry?
Our ministry is open to anyone who is looking to pursue a relationship with God and cultivate community. Most people who attend Young Adults at Harvest are between the ages of 18 and 30, but all are welcome!
What can I expect at a Young Adults gathering?
Expect a welcoming environment, engaging worship, relevant teaching, and opportunities to connect with others. We also have small groups, social events, and opportunities to serve.
Can I invite my friends who don't attend Harvest Church to Young Adults events?
Absolutely! We love meeting new people. Feel free to invite your friends, and let them experience the warmth and community of our Young Adults Ministry.
How can I stay updated on upcoming events and announcements?
Follow us on Instagram at @harvestyoungadults,@ocyoungadults and check the events page on our website.

YA Podcast
These sermons by our Young Adult pastors will help you grow in your knowledge and love for Jesus and cultivate your love for His people.
You are wanted by God. You are called by God. You are valued by God. You are loved deeply by God. You matter.

Learn what’s going on at Harvest, find opportunities to connect and serve, and hear stories from people who are finding hope (and so much more) in Jesus.