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Hospital Visitation

Bringing comfort and the gospel to those who are in our local hospitals, medical centers, and recovery homes.

Jesus said that when we respond to someone in need, we are responding to Him and that those who love Him would be easily identified by their simple acts of kindness. As His ambassadors, our aim is to be available, upon request, to bring the love of Christ to those who are confined to their homes or in a hospital bed because of physical injury, sickness, surgery, or terminal illness.

During a time of illness, a prayer of faith, a touch of kindness, and a gentle soft-spoken word of assurance can be enough to change the course of a day. The Word of God, when directed by the Spirit of God, is able to bring salvation to the lost as well as comfort, encouragement, and healing to the believer.

If you are interested in having a pastor or elder visit and minister to you and your family, please contact us:

Harvest Riverside
Phone: (951) 687-6902

Harvest OC
Phone: (949) 407-6770


We look forward to, and are thankful to be able to minister to you and your loved ones.

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