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Care Team

New Believer Follow-Up

How you can help in Harvest’s New Believer Follow-up Ministry:

We are looking for individuals with a heart for discipleship to counsel those who make decisions to follow Christ.

How you can help in Harvest’s New Believer Follow-up Ministry:

We are looking for individuals with a heart for discipleship to counsel those who make decisions to follow Christ.

What to expect:

The New Believer Follow-up Ministry comes alongside new believers by encouraging, directing, and teaching, by example, how to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord

After each church service, Follow-Up Counselors serve as “five-minute friends,” meeting with those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. In the following days and weeks, Follow-Up Counselors will be encouraged to call, email, text, or meet with these new Christians to help further cultivate their life in Christ.

What do our Volunteers say about Harvest’s New Believer Follow-up Ministry:

“Lives are changed every week. People come to know Jesus, and we get to be the first people to welcome them into the family of God. It’s so cool to think that some people head to church on a random Sunday, and little do they know that their lives will be changed forever! Follow-Up has stretched me outside my comfort zone and taught me what it looks like to be the hands and feet of Jesus, coming alongside others. I always look forward to serving here each Sunday!”

Hours Expected:

Estimated 15-20 minutes following service.

Church Attendance:

Due to the sensitivity of sharing with a new believer, there is a face-to-face interview process to ensure that volunteers understand and can communicate Harvest’s beliefs and the gospel to a new believer.

Serve opportunities:

Please Note: Serve Leads will contact you with specific serve times based on your selected service.

  • Riverside: Following each Sunday morning service at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 12:00 PM
  • Orange County: Following each Sunday morning service at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 12:00 PM
  • Maui: Following each Sunday morning service at 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM


Who to talk to:

How you can help in Harvest’s New Believer Follow-up Ministry:

We are looking for individuals with a heart for discipleship to counsel those who make decisions to follow Christ.

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Prayer Team

How you can help in the Harvest Prayer Team:

We are looking for volunteers with a passion for or interest in prayer; to provide the encouragement, confidentiality, compassion, and personalized attention that each prayer request deserves. Volunteers will also receive a weekly prayer journal, via email, of the prayer requests received across all Harvest campuses.

How you can help in the Harvest Prayer Team:

We are looking for volunteers with a passion for or interest in prayer; to provide the encouragement, confidentiality, compassion, and personalized attention that each prayer request deserves. Volunteers will also receive a weekly prayer journal, via email, of the prayer requests received across all Harvest campuses.

What to expect:

Through God and His Word, we are learning and committing to a powerful prayer life that will impact us personally and the lives around us. We have the opportunity to intercede on behalf of the church and congregation to pray over the requests of our brothers and sisters and pray for our pastors, city, state, and nation. As we gather together, we worship, study God’s Word, and pray while enjoying fellowship with others.

What do our Volunteers say about the Harvest Prayer Team:

“If you’ve never spent much time praying in a group, it can be intimidating for some. But God has chosen prayer as our method of communicating with Him, so when we gather together in His name and pray and seek His face, we find grace and mercy to help others in times of need. I’m so humbled to be on the Prayer Team and always eager to receive the weekly prayer journal. Seeing all the requests that come in weekly reminds me of the needs and situations that others are going through, and although I can’t always help physically, I can petition their requests in prayer.”

Hours expected:

Estimated 30 minutes to 1 hour per service shift.

Serve opportunities:

Please Note: Serve Leads will contact you with specific serve times based on your selected service.

  • Riverside: Sunday Morning Prayer before Sunday Services: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 12:00 PM
  • Orange County: Sunday Morning Prayer before Sunday Services: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 12:00 PM
  • Maui: Sunday Morning Prayer before and after Sunday Morning Services: 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM
  • Additional Opportunities: Valor Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Women’s Intercessory Prayer, and various prayer groups throughout the week.

Who to talk to:

How you can help in the Harvest Prayer Team:

We are looking for volunteers with a passion for or interest in prayer; to provide the encouragement, confidentiality, compassion, and personalized attention that each prayer request deserves. Volunteers will also receive a weekly prayer journal, via email, of the prayer requests received across all Harvest campuses.

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First-Time Visitor Calls

How you can help in the Harvest First-Time Visitor Calls Ministry:

We are looking for encouraging, compassionate and endearing callers willing to serve and engage with first-time visitors that attend our Harvest campus.

How you can help in the Harvest First-Time Visitor Calls Ministry:

We are looking for encouraging, compassionate and endearing callers willing to serve and engage with first-time visitors that attend our Harvest campus.

What to expect:

After each service on Sundays, our volunteers will receive first-time visitor cards from the Welcome Team. These cards consist of visitors who attended Harvest for the first time that day. Our volunteers will provide a friendly courtesy phone call, answer any questions the visitor may have, remind them that a pastor will call them during the week and pray with each person, reminding them that they are valued and cared for here at Harvest. Volunteers will tailor their phone call conversations based on the caller's needs, whether providing information on New Believer Class, Small Groups, Children's Ministry, Counseling, or any other need the recipient may have.

What do our Volunteers say about the Harvest First-Time Visitor Calls Ministry:

"Calling first-time visitors is a really sweet ministry. Through the calls, we get to pray with these individuals and answer any questions they may have. Although I was really nervous initially, I love making these calls and feel refreshed as I call those who visited Harvest for the first time. I connect with people on a deeper level and get to know the person behind the name."

Hours expected:

Estimated 30 minutes per service shift.

Serve opportunities:

Please Note: Serve Leads will contact you with specific serve times based on your selected service.

  • Riverside: Following each Sunday morning service at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 12:00 PM.

Who to talk to:

How you can help in the Harvest First-Time Visitor Calls Ministry:

We are looking for encouraging, compassionate and endearing callers willing to serve and engage with first-time visitors that attend our Harvest campus.

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Mail Fulfillment

How you can help in the Harvest Mail Fulfillment Ministry:

We are looking for punctual and productive volunteers to assist in serving in the warehouse. This role includes packing New Believer Bibles, Welcome Letters to our first-time visitors, and providing our monthly Harvest Partner Premiums.

How you can help in the Harvest Mail Fulfillment Ministry:

We are looking for punctual and productive volunteers to assist in serving in the warehouse. This role includes packing New Believer Bibles, Welcome Letters to our first-time visitors, and providing our monthly Harvest Partner Premiums.

What to expect:

Harvest Mail Fulfillment Ministry is a group service opportunity playing a vital role within our church. We work together in a Christ-focused environment to pack, stuff, and ship out products to bless those near and far.
*A basic background check is required.

What do our Volunteers say about the Harvest Mail Fulfillment Ministry:

“Mail Fulfillment is a great place to serve the Lord and fellowship with Harvest staff and other volunteers. Helping send resources to other believers reminds you that the church is bigger than what we see on Sundays. You never know who is receiving the supplies we send out each week, and it’s encouraging to see the gospel go forth in such a way.”

Hours expected:

Hours will vary.

Serve opportunities:

Please Note: Serve Leads will contact you with specific serve times based on your selected service.

  • Riverside: Monday–Friday between 8:00 AM–5:00 PM

Who to talk to:

How you can help in the Harvest Mail Fulfillment Ministry:

We are looking for punctual and productive volunteers to assist in serving in the warehouse. This role includes packing New Believer Bibles, Welcome Letters to our first-time visitors, and providing our monthly Harvest Partner Premiums.

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