Harvest Kids

Where we plant, water, and grow! 
From Cradle through 6th Grade.

Well, Hello There!

Welcome to
Harvest Kids!

We want to help you give your child the very best—the Bible, friends, and adults who care (who will watch'em like hawks!).

Harvest Kids is built on the three pillars of Word of God, fun, and safety. We partner with parents to show children they can have a personal relationship with Jesus at a very early age. And we give them every opportunity to accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.

Sundays at Harvest Kids

During Sunday services, regardless of campus, your child can have a worship experience customized for their life stage. They’ll enjoy age-appropriate worship, Bible-based teaching, and engaging activies

1. Show Up!

If it’s your first time at any of our campuses, turn on your flashing lights. Our volunteer and staff team will guide your family from the parking lot to Harvest Kids check-in—one smile at a time. (For best results, come 10–15 minutes early.)

2. Sign in!

Introduce us to your family. One of our leaders at Harvest Kids will be so excited to meet you, make sure you help us understand any special instructions for your family. You’ll get a special Parent Pick-Up Tag, so no one but you (or another trusted adult you approve) can retrieve your child.

3. Enjoy Your Worship Service

While you go to our main service, your child will experience a kid-friendly version of church. They’ll have a chance to worship Jesus, learn from the Bible, and make friends.

4. Pick 'Em Up!

Remember the Parent Pick-Up Tag from step two? It matches you to your child so only you (or another adult you entrust with that tag) can pick them up.

Our Vision For Harvest Kids

We’re a congregation in southern California and Lahaina, Hawaii, founded in 1973 by Pastor Greg Laurie and his wife, Cathe. 

Our mission is “Knowing God and Making Him Known” — getting to know the God of the Bible and helping others know Him too.

At Harvest Church, join us as we find hope for the future, focus for our lives, next-level relationships, and practical ways to serve our community. All in Jesus.

MYT Program

Ministry Youth Training prepares students from 11-15 yrs old to become well-trained assistants and eventually teachers in our Harvest Kids ministry. Fill out the MYT Application and get started serving in one of our kids areas!

Baby Dedication Form

Our desire at Harvest Christian Fellowship is for the parents of each child being dedicated to the Lord to have a biblical understanding of what “baby dedication” signifies.

Harvest at home:


Keep up with our weekly content where we study the Bible, worship the Lord, and have fun available on YouTube!

Check out our Instagram channel to get all of the Harvest Kids updates!

Get Involved at Harvest Kids

How you can help in the Harvest Kids Ministry

Sign up to serve at Harvest Kids!

We’re always looking for passionate volunteers to minister to kids from Cradle–6th Grade.

Sign up for Children’s Ministry at Harvest Kids below!

Sign up to serve

Upcoming Events

Find ways to connect with others, grow closer to Jesus and serve our community.

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About Pastor
“Mr. Mike”

Mr. Mike has been serving in children’s ministry for over a decade and is married to his wife Crystal with kids Esther, Jude and Anders. Their family passions are telling stories about the Bible, writing music (Search Mr.Mike on YouTube/Spotify) and visiting Disneyland regularly! He helps oversee ministry to children at Harvest’s various campuses and satellites.


Learn what’s going on at Harvest, find opportunities to connect and serve, and hear stories from people who are finding hope (and so much more) in Jesus.
