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50% of the Great Commission is to make disciples, and that happens together. Through Harvest Groups, you will gain community, a knowledge of God’s word, and purpose. Regardless of your stage of life, 
we have a place for you.

As much as we love gathering as a whole for corporate worship, there is something unique about an intimate gathering around a living room, a small classroom, or a dining room table that forces us to think differently than when we do in a large room for worship. We are better when we are 
connected relationally.



Harvest Groups are one of the best ways to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ. God doesn’t want any of us to be left to walk through life alone – we need each other to encourage, support and challenge on another.

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      Filter Groups
      Tuesday PM
      Mike Jonker / Men’s Group

      Tuesdays, 7PM / On Campus

      Tuesday PM
      Mike Johns | On Campus

      Meets weekly on Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm

      Wednesday AM
      Mike B. & Floyd R. – Titus 10 Summer Grp

      Wednesday Mornings, 7:30 AM, The Space

      Monday AM
      Mike Amren’s Monday Morning Men’s Group

      Monday at 8:00 AM / On Campus

      Co-Ed & Couples
      Monday PM
      Mike & Linda Shepard – Couples Group – Monday 7PM Laguna Beach

      Meets weekly on Mondays from 7-8:30pm

      Thursday PM
      Michelle Mendoza

      Thursdays, 7:00pm, On Campus – Riverside

      Monday PM
      Michelle Cardenas

      Meets weekly on Mondays from 7-8:15pm

      Men, Young Adults
      Wednesday PM
      Michael Velazquez & Daniel Kemper | Young Adults

      Meets weekly on Wednesdays from 4:30-6pm

      Wednesday PM
      Michael and Logan’s 8th grade boys

      Meets weekly on Wednesdays from 7:30-8:30pm

      Men’s Prayer Breakfast | RIV

      Saturday 7:00am

      Men / CoEd & Couples
      Co-Ed & Couples
      Monday PM
      Memo y Lupita Benitez (Lunes, 7:00PM) (En Cosecha)

      Lunes, 7:00PM (En Cosecha)

      Tuesday PM
      Melissa Astudillo

      Meets weekly on Tuesdays from 5:30-7pm

      Wednesday AM
      Melinda Bungartz

      Meets weekly on Wednesdays from 9:30-10:30am

      Wednesday AM
      Melanie Brown – Admin

      Wednesday at 8:30am on campus

      Friday AM
      Melanie Brown
      Mauricio Fernandez
      Maui Group Leaders
      Maui Deacon
      Co-Ed & Couples
      Wednesday PM
      Matthew and Andra Tobias | Couples

      Wednesday’s, 7:00 pm off campus

      Co-Ed & Couples
      Friday PM
      Matt and Wendy MacGinnis

      Every Other Friday @ 7PM – Villa Park Couples & COED *Group is FULL

      Co-Ed & Couples
      Monday PM
      Mason & Amy Morris / Young Married or Engaged Couples

      Monday, 7 PM | Off-Campus

      Mary Cartwright, Lucy Fuller, and Tina Strombeck

      Meets weekly on Fridays from 8-10am

      Wednesday AM
      Mary Barthel

      Wednesdays, 10:00am in person – Costa Mesa

      Tuesday PM
      Marvin Randel | On Campus

      Meets weekly on Tuesdays from 7-8:30pm

      Wednesday AM
      Mark Tillman – Small Group Men – Morning

      Meets weekly on Thursdays from 7-8am

      Tuesday PM
      Mark Caballero / Men’s Group

      Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30, Off-Campus

      Co-Ed & Couples
      Wednesday PM
      Mark and Kim Caballero

      Schedule: Wednesdays, 6:30 PM – Tustin Co-ed & Couples

      Co-Ed & Couples
      Wednesday PM
      Mark and Denise Claydon – Small Group CO-ED

      Meets weekly on Thursdays from 6:30-8pm



      Learn what’s going on at Harvest, find opportunities to connect and serve, and hear stories from people who are finding hope (and so much more) in Jesus.




      Mike Jonker / Men’s Group



      Mike Johns | On Campus

      This Harvest Group meets on campus in the Volunteer Breakroom
      This Harvest Group meets on campus in the Volunteer Breakroom



      Mike B. & Floyd R. – Titus 10 Summer Grp

      This Titus Ten group meets on Wednesday mornings at 7:30 AM in the Space at Harvest Riverside. 
      This Titus Ten group meets on Wednesday mornings at 7:30 AM in the Space at Harvest Riverside. 



      Mike Amren’s Monday Morning Men’s Group

      Co-Ed & Couples


      Mike & Linda Shepard – Couples Group – Monday 7PM Laguna Beach

      Harvest Couples Group – meets in Laguna Beach – Monday nights @ 7pm
      Harvest Couples Group - meets in Laguna Beach - Monday nights @ 7pm



      Michelle Mendoza

      Hello Ladies! 

      My name is Michelle and I am so excited to be going through the Growing in Grace study with you. The Lord is doing amazing things and I look forward to all He will do in us and through us as we seek Him, learn from Him, and serve Him. As women of the Word, may we magnify our Lord Jesus Christ in word and deed, leading others to Him. May He strengthen our faith in Him and draw us near Him though this Bible study, fellowship, and prayer. 

      Blessings! 🙂

      “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him.”
      ‭‭John‬ ‭3:16-17‬ ‭ESV‬‬

      Hello Ladies! 

      My name is Michelle and I am so excited to be going through the Growing in Grace study with you. The Lord is doing amazing things and I look forward to all He will do in us and through us as we seek Him, learn from Him, and serve Him. As women of the Word, may we magnify our Lord Jesus Christ in word and deed, leading others to Him. May He strengthen our faith in Him and draw us near Him though this Bible study, fellowship, and prayer. 

      Blessings! :)

      “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him.”
      ‭‭John‬ ‭3:16-17‬ ‭ESV‬‬



      Michelle Cardenas

      Bible Study Group for ladies growing in the Lord, sharing His love, wisdom and fellowship.

      We meet virtually Mondays at 7:00 PM, optional login at 6:45 pm for fellowship

      Bible Study Group for ladies growing in the Lord, sharing His love, wisdom and fellowship.

      We meet virtually Mondays at 7:00 PM, optional login at 6:45 pm for fellowship

      Men, Young Adults


      Michael Velazquez & Daniel Kemper | Young Adults



      Michael and Logan’s 8th grade boys

      Men’s Prayer Breakfast | RIV

      We meet in the Fellowship Hall every Saturday morning at 7:00 am! Come out and join us for prayer, a devotional and fellowship and breakfast.
      We gather together to pray for our church, the state and the nation! Ephesians 6:18
      We meet in the Fellowship Hall every Saturday morning at 7:00 am! Come out and join us for prayer, a devotional and fellowship and breakfast.
      We gather together to pray for our church, the state and the nation! Ephesians 6:18


      Men / CoEd & Couples

      Co-Ed & Couples


      Memo y Lupita Benitez (Lunes, 7:00PM) (En Cosecha)

      Estudio bíblico mixto (hombres y mujeres) a través del Libro del Evangelio de Juan
      Estudio bíblico mixto (hombres y mujeres) a través del Libro del Evangelio de Juan



      Melissa Astudillo

      Welcome to our Bible Study Group!
      I’m Melissa Astudillo, and I have the joy of leading this wonderful group of ladies as part of the Virtue at Harvest ministry. Alongside my Bible study assistant, Kim Velazquez, we gather every Tuesday from 5:30-7 p.m. at the Harvest Riverside campus.

      Our group is a diverse and supportive community of women with a wide range of ages and life stages. Whether you’re new to Bible study or have been studying for years, you’ll find a place here. We journey together through Bible study books year-round, diving deep into God’s Word and growing in our faith.

      We would love for you to join us, share in fellowship, and be part of our study group as we encourage one another and draw closer to Christ.

      Hope to see you on Tuesday!

      Welcome to our Bible Study Group!

      I'm Melissa Astudillo, and I have the joy of leading this wonderful group of ladies as part of the Virtue at Harvest ministry. Alongside my Bible study assistant, Kim Velazquez, we gather every Tuesday from 5:30-7 p.m. at the Harvest Riverside campus.

      Our group is a diverse and supportive community of women with a wide range of ages and life stages. Whether you're new to Bible study or have been studying for years, you'll find a place here. We journey together through Bible study books year-round, diving deep into God's Word and growing in our faith.

      We would love for you to join us, share in fellowship, and be part of our study group as we encourage one another and draw closer to Christ.

      Hope to see you on Tuesday!



      Melinda Bungartz



      Melanie Brown – Admin



      Melanie Brown

      Mauricio Fernandez

      Maui Group Leaders


      Maui Deacon

      This is the Harvest Maui Deacon Team. All Deacons must compleat the Deacon Questionnaire. 
      For questions contact Pastor Paul Eaton, or Pastor Jim Felechner. 
      This is the Harvest Maui Deacon Team. All Deacons must compleat the Deacon Questionnaire. 
      For questions contact Pastor Paul Eaton, or Pastor Jim Felechner. 

      Co-Ed & Couples


      Matthew and Andra Tobias | Couples

      Co-Ed & Couples


      Matt and Wendy MacGinnis

      Co-Ed & Couples


      Mason & Amy Morris / Young Married or Engaged Couples

      We would like to welcome young married, engaged or very serious couples thinking of engagement. Preferably around the ages of 20-30 if possible.
      We would like to welcome young married, engaged or very serious couples thinking of engagement. Preferably around the ages of 20-30 if possible.



      Mary Cartwright, Lucy Fuller, and Tina Strombeck


      This bible study is for ladies who have a hunger for God’s Word and growing in their relationship with the Lord. We will be going through a study by Daily Grace. We pray you can join us on Fridays at 8 AM. 

      Facilitator’s: Lucy Colt Fuller 208-720-626 & Tina Strombeck 707-293-4186
      Host: Mary Cartwright 907-230-2392


      This bible study is for ladies who have a hunger for God's Word and growing in their relationship with the Lord. We will be going through a study by Daily Grace. We pray you can join us on Fridays at 8 AM. 

      Facilitator's: Lucy Colt Fuller 208-720-626 & Tina Strombeck 707-293-4186
      Host: Mary Cartwright 907-230-2392



      Mary Barthel



      Marvin Randel | On Campus

      This Harvest Group will be meeting in The Space.
      This Harvest Group will be meeting in The Space.



      Mark Tillman – Small Group Men – Morning

      Being in fellowship is the key to lift others up as we pursue Godly lives. Community is vital in our Christian walk and much is said about it in our Bible. In this group we want to sharpen one another as we go through the valleys and mountain tops of life.

      Meeting on Thursday mornings at 7 AM and studying the book of Genesis.

      Being in fellowship is the key to lift others up as we pursue Godly lives. Community is vital in our Christian walk and much is said about it in our Bible. In this group we want to sharpen one another as we go through the valleys and mountain tops of life.

      Meeting on Thursday mornings at 7 AM and studying the book of Genesis.



      Mark Caballero / Men’s Group

      Co-Ed & Couples


      Mark and Kim Caballero

      Co-Ed & Couples

      Mark and Denise Claydon – Small Group CO-ED

      Join us as for a Bible Study through a Daily Grace study book.

      You will need your Bible or a Bible app to read the passages as you work through the study. 

      We meet on Thursdays at 6:30 PM.

      Join us as for a Bible Study through a Daily Grace study book.

      You will need your Bible or a Bible app to read the passages as you work through the study. 

      We meet on Thursdays at 6:30 PM.