Find A Group


50% of the Great Commission is to make disciples, and that happens together. Through Harvest Groups, you will gain community, a knowledge of God’s word, and purpose. Regardless of your stage of life, 
we have a place for you.

As much as we love gathering as a whole for corporate worship, there is something unique about an intimate gathering around a living room, a small classroom, or a dining room table that forces us to think differently than when we do in a large room for worship. We are better when we are 
connected relationally.



Harvest Groups are one of the best ways to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ. God doesn’t want any of us to be left to walk through life alone – we need each other to encourage, support and challenge on another.

    Filter Groups

      Filter Groups

      Sunday 8 AM, 10 AM, & 12 PM

      Wednesday PM
      Noemi Vega

      Wednesdays at 7:00 PM, On Campus

      Men, Young Adults
      Tuesday PM
      Nixxon Sierra & Ruben Sandoval | YA Guys Only | On Campus

      Meets weekly on Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm

      Wednesday PM
      Nicole Forbes and Latisha Masner

      Wednesdays at 7:00 PM, On Campus

      Thursday PM
      Nicole & Hannah: 10th, 11th, & 12th Girls (RIV)

      Thursday 8:00 PM in YTH Conference room of Loft

      Tuesday PM
      Nick Murphy / Men’s Group

      Tuesdays, 7PM / On Campus

      Nicholas and Arthur
      New YTH Student Sunday OC
      New Member Class Fall

      Every Sunday at 9:30am

      New Believer’s Group Leader – Riverside
      Wednesday PM
      Nayeli Serrano | Online

      Meets weekly on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30pm

      Nathan S. & Joseph M.: 10th, 11th, & 12th Guys (RIV)

      Thursday @ 8:15 PM in Room 209 Topher’s place

      Thursday PM
      Nathan J. & Jeremiah: 9th & 10th Guys (RIV)

      Thursdays 8:00-9:15pm in room 110 / 111 Topher’s place

      Nathan Castleberry and Robert Madsen | Tenets | Trauma Reboot

      Tuesday, 7pm

      Wednesday PM
      Nathan & Ethan’s 9th/10th grade boys OC

      Meets weekly on Wednesdays from 7-8pm

      Natalie & Baylie: 9th – 10th Girls (RIV)
      Thursday PM
      Naomi Greenwood

      Meets weekly on Thursdays from 6:40-8:10pm

      Co-Ed & Couples
      Wednesday PM
      Myles & Barbara Martinez | Couples

      Wednesdays, 7PM – on campus

      Morgan & Kalia: 7th & 8th Girls (RIV)
      Thursday PM
      Monique Lamb

      Meets weekly on Thursdays from 6:30-8pm

      Monday PM
      Monika Smith

      Meets weekly on Mondays from 6:30-7:30pm

      Wednesday PM
      Monica Tomchek | Online

      Meets weekly on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30pm

      Monica Tomcheck
      Thursday PM
      Momi Robertson

      Thursdays, 6:30-8:00pm On Campus – Riverside

      Wednesday PM
      Molly Hill

      Wednesdays at 6:30pm Off Campus in Huntington Beach

      Co-Ed & Couples
      Tuesday PM
      Moisés & Fabiola García (Martes, 7:00PM). Por Zoom.

      Martes, 7:00 PM. Por Zoom.

      Wednesday PM
      Miz’ 10th grade girls OC

      Meets weekly on Wednesdays from 7-8pm

      Wednesday AM
      Mindy Parker

      Meets weekly on Wednesdays from 9:45-11:30am

      Co-Ed & Couples
      Tuesday PM
      Miles and Davese Galla-Rini

      Meets weekly on Tuesdays from 7-8:30pm

      Mike Jonker Guest Group



      Learn what’s going on at Harvest, find opportunities to connect and serve, and hear stories from people who are finding hope (and so much more) in Jesus.



      Connect Table volunteers approved by the OC pastoral staff to serve in the Connect Table Ministry. 
      Connect Table volunteers approved by the OC pastoral staff to serve in the Connect Table Ministry. 



      Noemi Vega

      Join this fun group of like-minded, Jesus-loving women as we go deeper in the study of God’s word, strengthen our faith, and encourage one another as we live out the call of discipleship.

      We are so excited about our upcoming Bible study on the Spiritual Disciplines, and would love for you to be a part of this study!

      We meet on Wednesday evenings On Campus at 7:00 PM, starting September 11th. 

      Noemi and Isabel

      Join this fun group of like-minded, Jesus-loving women as we go deeper in the study of God's word, strengthen our faith, and encourage one another as we live out the call of discipleship.

      We are so excited about our upcoming Bible study on the Spiritual Disciplines, and would love for you to be a part of this study!

      We meet on Wednesday evenings On Campus at 7:00 PM, starting September 11th. 

      Noemi and Isabel

      Men, Young Adults


      Nixxon Sierra & Ruben Sandoval | YA Guys Only | On Campus

      This group is for Young Adult guys and meets on Tuesday nights in Youth Conference Room.
      This group is for Young Adult guys and meets on Tuesday nights in Youth Conference Room.



      Nicole Forbes and Latisha Masner


      Nicole & Hannah: 10th, 11th, & 12th Girls (RIV)

      We are meeting in person on Thursday nights after the message. If anybody needs a Zoom link, please let the leader know!
      We are meeting in person on Thursday nights after the message. If anybody needs a Zoom link, please let the leader know!



      Nick Murphy / Men’s Group

      Nicholas and Arthur

      New YTH Student Sunday OC

      New Member Class Fall

      This class is held weekly, during the first service hour on Sundays. Meet in the church lobby to find a listing of all the classes and where they’re meeting each week. If the group is closed it means we’re full this season, but don’t worry – this class starts up again every 3 months.

      This class is held weekly, during the first service hour on Sundays. Meet in the church lobby to find a listing of all the classes and where they're meeting each week. If the group is closed it means we're full this season, but don't worry – this class starts up again every 3 months.

      New Believer’s Group Leader – Riverside



      Nayeli Serrano | Online

      Welcome to our group! We will be studying the book of Nehemiah starting on January 15th. We meet every Wed. at 6:30pm via zoom. 
      Welcome to our group! We will be studying the book of Nehemiah starting on January 15th. We meet every Wed. at 6:30pm via zoom. 

      Nathan S. & Joseph M.: 10th, 11th, & 12th Guys (RIV)


      Nathan J. & Jeremiah: 9th & 10th Guys (RIV)



      Nathan Castleberry and Robert Madsen | Tenets | Trauma Reboot



      Nathan & Ethan’s 9th/10th grade boys OC

      Natalie & Baylie: 9th – 10th Girls (RIV)

      This group will be meeting every for the first 3 Thursdays of every month.
      They meet after each YTH service for 45 minutes. Services start at 7 PM!
      The location will be in the Loft!
      This group will be meeting every for the first 3 Thursdays of every month.
      They meet after each YTH service for 45 minutes. Services start at 7 PM!
      The location will be in the Loft!



      Naomi Greenwood

      Hello Ladies!

      Our new study will begin the week of September 1st, on Sept. 5.  Our group meets weekly on Thursday evenings.  
      All are welcome to join our group!
      I am excited to start the new series this fall.
      Be ready to dive into the Word, do in depth bible study, and build new relationships within our group.

      “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
      ~Jeremiah 29:11

      Hello Ladies!

      Our new study will begin the week of September 1st, on Sept. 5.  Our group meets weekly on Thursday evenings.  
      All are welcome to join our group!
      I am excited to start the new series this fall.
      Be ready to dive into the Word, do in depth bible study, and build new relationships within our group.

      "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
      ~Jeremiah 29:11

      Co-Ed & Couples


      Myles & Barbara Martinez | Couples

      Two imperfect people following a perfect Savior.  We’re blessed to be surrounded by and entrusted with saints who love the Lord and one another.  What we as leaders seek to model for our group of married couples is a willingness to learn from each and every one of our members, and a gracious open-handedness in sharing the truths that the Lord has shown each of us.  More often than not, we learn just as much from our group as they learn from us.

      Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.  Col 3:16.

      We meet on campus in Topher’s Place (Room 209) on Wednesday nights at 7PM.

      Two imperfect people following a perfect Savior.  We're blessed to be surrounded by and entrusted with saints who love the Lord and one another.  What we as leaders seek to model for our group of married couples is a willingness to learn from each and every one of our members, and a gracious open-handedness in sharing the truths that the Lord has shown each of us.  More often than not, we learn just as much from our group as they learn from us.

      Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.  Col 3:16.

      We meet on campus in Topher's Place (Room 209) on Wednesday nights at 7PM.

      Morgan & Kalia: 7th & 8th Girls (RIV)



      Monique Lamb



      Monika Smith



      Monica Tomchek | Online

      Monica Tomcheck



      Momi Robertson

      Our small group consists of ladies ranging from young moms, to working career women, to retired grandmas – all sharing the heart and desire to know God better and to make Him known to those around us. 
      Our small group consists of ladies ranging from young moms, to working career women, to retired grandmas - all sharing the heart and desire to know God better and to make Him known to those around us. 



      Molly Hill

      Huntington Beach meeting, but our women come from all over! Long Beach, Aliso Viejo, Hemet, Diamond Bar, Costa Mesa & Tustin.  Our goal is to encourage, edify, keep each other accountable & share life together. Oh, and we always have dessert!
      Huntington Beach meeting, but our women come from all over! Long Beach, Aliso Viejo, Hemet, Diamond Bar, Costa Mesa & Tustin.  Our goal is to encourage, edify, keep each other accountable & share life together. Oh, and we always have dessert!

      Co-Ed & Couples


      Moisés & Fabiola García (Martes, 7:00PM). Por Zoom.

      Estudio mixto (hombres y mujeres) a través del Evangelio de Juan

      El link de ZOOM es el mismo, nada ha cambiado. Si ya te has conectado en el pasado los martes, lo puedes accesar de la misma forma que en el pasado.

      Estudio mixto (hombres y mujeres) a través del Evangelio de Juan

      El link de ZOOM es el mismo, nada ha cambiado. Si ya te has conectado en el pasado los martes, lo puedes accesar de la misma forma que en el pasado.



      Miz’ 10th grade girls OC



      Mindy Parker

      Co-Ed & Couples


      Miles and Davese Galla-Rini

      Our Group is a mix of marrieds, singles and looking. We love connecting and learning the word together to grow and strengthen each other. 
      Our Group is a mix of marrieds, singles and looking. We love connecting and learning the word together to grow and strengthen each other. 

      Mike Jonker Guest Group