Find A Group


50% of the Great Commission is to make disciples, and that happens together. Through Harvest Groups, you will gain community, a knowledge of God’s word, and purpose. Regardless of your stage of life, 
we have a place for you.

As much as we love gathering as a whole for corporate worship, there is something unique about an intimate gathering around a living room, a small classroom, or a dining room table that forces us to think differently than when we do in a large room for worship. We are better when we are 
connected relationally.



Harvest Groups are one of the best ways to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ. God doesn’t want any of us to be left to walk through life alone – we need each other to encourage, support and challenge on another.

    Co-Ed & Couples
    Host – Bob Blassingame

    Meets weekly on Mondays from 7-8:30pm

    Wednesday PM
    Host – Brett Gies

    Thursday’s, 6:30PM- MST | Men

    Host – Camille Gibson and Michelle Pelletier

    Wednesdays, 7:30 PM – CST l Womens

    Young Adults
    Host – Chester and Diane Sipos

    Meets weekly on Tuesdays from 7-9pm

    Host – Cindy Clifton

    Wednesdays, 7PM – MST | Womens

    Co-Ed & Couples
    Wednesday AM
    Host – Dale Dutton

    Meets weekly on Wednesdays from 7:30-8:30am

    Co-Ed & Couples
    Tuesday PM
    Host – David Phelps

    Tuesdays, 8:30P.M. EST | Co-Ed

    Host – Debi Wilson

    Tuesdays, 6:30PM – PST | Senior Women

    Host – Denise Karmie

    Wednesdays, 6PM – PST | Women

    Host – Donna Chiodo-Guthrie

    Meets weekly on Saturdays from 9:30-10:30am

    Wednesday PM
    Host – Duane French

    Wednesdays, 7:00PM – PST | Men

    Tuesday PM
    Host – Ed Kirkwood

    Meets weekly on Tuesdays from 7-8:30pm

    Saturday AM
    Host – Edward Lucero

    Meets weekly on Saturdays from 7-8:30am

    Host – Eric and Betsy Hansen

    Tuesdays, 7PM – PST | Couples

    Co-Ed & Couples
    Host – Erik Baldwin

    Thursdays, 7PM – PST | Co-ED

    Co-Ed & Couples
    Host – Gary East

    Thursdays, 7PM – PST | Co-Ed

    Host – Geneva Koebel

    Mondays, 4:30PM – PST | Womens

    Co-Ed & Couples
    Host – Grace Thorbecke

    Wednesday, 6PM – PST | Co-Ed

    Host – Hannah Johnson-Kisella

    Thursdays, 6PM PST – | Women

    Co-Ed & Couples
    Host – Ian Hausberg

    Meets weekly on Thursdays from 4:30-5:30pm

    Host – Jason Sykora

    Fridays, 7PM – CST | Mens

    Thursday PM
    Host – Jenny Beck

    Meets every other week on Thursdays from 6-7:15pm

    Host – Jerry Aiken

    Wednesdays, 7PM – EST | Men

    Host – Jim and Bonny Richards

    Tuesdays, 6:30PM – CST | Couples

    Host – Jim Macaluso

    Thursdays, 2PM – EST | Mens

    Host – John Thie

    Wednesdays, 7PM – MST | Men

    Co-Ed & Couples
    Host – John Traynor

    Sundays, 5:00 PM – MST | CO-ED

    Co-Ed & Couples
    Tuesday PM
    Host – Johnny Robison

    Tuesdays, 7:00 P.M. PST | Co-Ed + Couples

    Host – Judy Hails

    Mondays, 4PM – Pacific and Arizona -5PM Mountain-6PM Central-7 PM Eastern | Women Seniors

    Host – Karen Minnick

    Sundays, 8:15 AM – MST | Womens



    Learn what’s going on at Harvest, find opportunities to connect and serve, and hear stories from people who are finding hope (and so much more) in Jesus.


    Co-Ed & Couples


    Host – Bob Blassingame

    Mondays, 7PM – CST | Co-Ed & Couples

    Monday night Zoom Harvest at Home on-line Bible study is a great way to start your week.  My name is Bob Blassingame. I am a retired Pastor and have also served as a volunteer minister with Harvest Start Friends.  After accepting Christ as lord and savior in high school, some 49 years ago, I have pursued a deeper relationship with Christ including sharing the joy of knowing Him with others.  

    During our 40+minute zoom meetings we will have a ‘deep dive’ into Pastor Greg’s sermon and apply Biblical truths to our challenging lives.  

    If you’re 50+ and looking for a place to grow in your faith and be a part of an on-line community, this is the place for you. Join me on Zoom Monday nights at 7PM CST.

    “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us…” (Hebrews 12:1)

    Mondays, 7PM - CST | Co-Ed & Couples


    Monday night Zoom Harvest at Home on-line Bible study is a great way to start your week.  My name is Bob Blassingame. I am a retired Pastor and have also served as a volunteer minister with Harvest Start Friends.  After accepting Christ as lord and savior in high school, some 49 years ago, I have pursued a deeper relationship with Christ including sharing the joy of knowing Him with others.  

    During our 40+minute zoom meetings we will have a ‘deep dive’ into Pastor Greg’s sermon and apply Biblical truths to our challenging lives.  

    If you're 50+ and looking for a place to grow in your faith and be a part of an on-line community, this is the place for you. Join me on Zoom Monday nights at 7PM CST.

    “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us…” (Hebrews 12:1)



    Host – Brett Gies

    Thursday’s 6:30 pm – MT | Men

    Hello, I’m Brett Gies. This men’s group will discuss Pastor Greg’s message each week and use it as the foundation to grow in our spiritual walk and deepen our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We will stand on biblical truths to provide encouragement to one another as the means to conquer the daily challenges we face in our lives. 
    We pray for one another and support each other as much as we can through this on-line platform. If you would like to join our group, click on the Join this Group button and send me an email telling me a little bit about yourself. 
    Thursday's 6:30 pm - MT | Men

    Hello, I'm Brett Gies. This men's group will discuss Pastor Greg's message each week and use it as the foundation to grow in our spiritual walk and deepen our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We will stand on biblical truths to provide encouragement to one another as the means to conquer the daily challenges we face in our lives. 
    We pray for one another and support each other as much as we can through this on-line platform. If you would like to join our group, click on the Join this Group button and send me an email telling me a little bit about yourself. 



    Host – Camille Gibson and Michelle Pelletier

    Hi! This group is for women of any age, whether she is a new believer or a seasoned believer, who want to grow in their faith and fellowship with other women. Each week, following Pastor Greg’s Sunday message, we will lead the group in a study. We meet at 7:30 pm Central time via Zoom. 

    If you would like to join, please send us a message telling us a little about yourself.

    Hi! This group is for women of any age, whether she is a new believer or a seasoned believer, who want to grow in their faith and fellowship with other women. Each week, following Pastor Greg's Sunday message, we will lead the group in a study. We meet at 7:30 pm Central time via Zoom. 

    If you would like to join, please send us a message telling us a little about yourself.

    Young Adults


    Host – Chester and Diane Sipos

    Tuesdays, 7PM – MST | Young Adults

    My name is Chester Sipos, and Diane, we have been married for 37 years and love God.
    I am a leader for Global Media Outreach which is an online missionary community,  involved in men’s ministry and was the worship leader for children’s ministry and currently involved in the men’s ministry in my home church. Currently my profession is an executive chef for over 30 years.
    I like the youth. I have about 30 youth employees that cook and serve food where I work at an assisted living community and I get to share the love if Jesus to them and as well the seniors who live there.
    If you feel you would like to start a small group and go over what pastor Greg has shared from Sundays services.  Join us on Tuesdays at 7PM MST on Zoom! If you would like to join our group, click the Join this group button and send us a email telling us a little bit about yourself.
    Looking forward in seeing you! 
    God bless!

    Tuesdays, 7PM - MST | Young Adults

    My name is Chester Sipos, and Diane, we have been married for 37 years and love God.
    I am a leader for Global Media Outreach which is an online missionary community,  involved in men's ministry and was the worship leader for children's ministry and currently involved in the men's ministry in my home church. Currently my profession is an executive chef for over 30 years.
    I like the youth. I have about 30 youth employees that cook and serve food where I work at an assisted living community and I get to share the love if Jesus to them and as well the seniors who live there.
    If you feel you would like to start a small group and go over what pastor Greg has shared from Sundays services.  Join us on Tuesdays at 7PM MST on Zoom! If you would like to join our group, click the Join this group button and send us a email telling us a little bit about yourself.
    Looking forward in seeing you! 
    God bless!



    Host – Cindy Clifton

    Wednesdays, 7PM – MST

    Hi! I’m Cindy Clifton and I’m excited about gathering as a group to help each other connect and deepen our relationship with God as we incorporate Pastor Greg’s Sunday message into our daily lives.

    Please join us on Wednesday at 7pm MST. If you are interested in joining the group, click on the button to send an email with a little bit of information about yourself and what you would like to see in a small group. 

    Wednesdays, 7PM - MST

    Hi! I’m Cindy Clifton and I’m excited about gathering as a group to help each other connect and deepen our relationship with God as we incorporate Pastor Greg’s Sunday message into our daily lives.

    Please join us on Wednesday at 7pm MST. If you are interested in joining the group, click on the button to send an email with a little bit of information about yourself and what you would like to see in a small group. 

    Co-Ed & Couples


    Host – Dale Dutton

    Wednesday 7:30 AM – CA. (Pacific Standard Time) | CO-Ed

    Hi, My name is Dale Dutton and I attended Calvary Chapel of the High Desert, in Hesperia, California prior to accepting an employment transfer to Kuwait, Middle East in January of 1993. When I arrived to Kuwait, it was a huge culture shock and saw such a great need for a Calvary Chapel ministry here. Although Kuwait is predominantly a Muslim country, there are both Protestant and Catholic churches here. My wife (Avelina) and I have been married since 20 November 2010, we both strive to keep God centered and number One in our relationship and would love to fellowship and grow together in the knowledge of Jesus our savior through the mentorship taught from Pastor Greg’s Harvest at Home message. We welcome old, young, married and unmarried to learn more about Jesus Christ and His awesome, amazing love for us! Join us at 5:30 pm +3 GMT on Zoom! If you would like to join our group, click the Join this group button and send us an email telling us a little bit about yourself. Please click on the zoom link below to join the bible study, see you there, God bless, Dale.


    Wednesday 7:30 AM - CA. (Pacific Standard Time) | CO-Ed

    Hi, My name is Dale Dutton and I attended Calvary Chapel of the High Desert, in Hesperia, California prior to accepting an employment transfer to Kuwait, Middle East in January of 1993. When I arrived to Kuwait, it was a huge culture shock and saw such a great need for a Calvary Chapel ministry here. Although Kuwait is predominantly a Muslim country, there are both Protestant and Catholic churches here. My wife (Avelina) and I have been married since 20 November 2010, we both strive to keep God centered and number One in our relationship and would love to fellowship and grow together in the knowledge of Jesus our savior through the mentorship taught from Pastor Greg's Harvest at Home message. We welcome old, young, married and unmarried to learn more about Jesus Christ and His awesome, amazing love for us! Join us at 5:30 pm +3 GMT on Zoom! If you would like to join our group, click the Join this group button and send us an email telling us a little bit about yourself. Please click on the zoom link below to join the bible study, see you there, God bless, Dale.


    Co-Ed & Couples


    Host – David Phelps

    Tuesdays, 8:30 P.M. EST | Co-Ed

    I am David Phelps. I have been married for 54 years. I am currently in a nursing home with an inoperable torn knee cartilage, unable to walk.

    Our group is comprised of anyone who desires a deeper walk with Jesus Christ. We will dig deeper as we study Pastor Greg’s Harvest At Home messages. 

    Join us for a joyful time in the Lord, Tuesdays at 8:30 to 9:30 PM EST on Google Meet. If you would like to join our group, click the “Join This Group” button and send us an email telling us a little bit about yourself.  

    Tuesdays, 8:30 P.M. EST | Co-Ed

    I am David Phelps. I have been married for 54 years. I am currently in a nursing home with an inoperable torn knee cartilage, unable to walk.

    Our group is comprised of anyone who desires a deeper walk with Jesus Christ. We will dig deeper as we study Pastor Greg’s Harvest At Home messages. 

    Join us for a joyful time in the Lord, Tuesdays at 8:30 to 9:30 PM EST on Google Meet. If you would like to join our group, click the "Join This Group" button and send us an email telling us a little bit about yourself.  


    Host – Debi Wilson

    Tuesdays, 5:30PM or 6:30PM – PST (we rotate every other week)

    I am a 69 year old woman, with four grown children and three grandchildren that I am very involved with.  This group is for senior women who desire to grow in relationship with each other, God, Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. 

    Each week we meet to prayerfully discuss one of the latest Harvest at Home Sunday Sermons and the related scriptures. 

    Meetings are held on Zoom for 40 minutes.  Meeting are Tuesday evenings and we rotate between 5:30 pm and 6:30 pm (PST), to allow for East Coast and West Coast members to join. NOTE: East Coast time would be 2 or 3  hours later (i.e. 8:30 pm or possibly 9:30 pm).  

    If you would like to join this group, click the “Join”  button and send me a email telling me a little bit about yourself. 

    Tuesdays, 5:30PM or 6:30PM - PST (we rotate every other week)

    I am a 69 year old woman, with four grown children and three grandchildren that I am very involved with.  This group is for senior women who desire to grow in relationship with each other, God, Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. 

    Each week we meet to prayerfully discuss one of the latest Harvest at Home Sunday Sermons and the related scriptures. 

    Meetings are held on Zoom for 40 minutes.  Meeting are Tuesday evenings and we rotate between 5:30 pm and 6:30 pm (PST), to allow for East Coast and West Coast members to join. NOTE: East Coast time would be 2 or 3  hours later (i.e. 8:30 pm or possibly 9:30 pm).  

    If you would like to join this group, click the "Join"  button and send me a email telling me a little bit about yourself. 



    Host – Denise Karmie

    Wednesdays, 6PM – PST

    Hello I am Denise Karmie. 
    I split my time between Ohio and Southern California where I own and operate a business.  I grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania with my parents and two sisters. We always had friends and family gathered around our kitchen table.  I came to faith as a young teen, my faith grew at that kitchen table and many others.
    During my late teen years into early adulthood my parents took in foster children. I think that instilled in me an appreciation for family and an ability to befriend just about anyone.

    My husband and I were high school sweethearts and have been married 31 years. In our first few years of marriage we were blessed with five awesome kids. We became foster parents in 2000. In 2002, God chose two more daughters to join our growing brood. We have enjoyed raising our large family and all that it entails.We now have three wonderful grandkids

    As a Christian, saved by grace, I have tried to live out my faith through my everyday life. If along the way I can help others do the same I will feel I have pleased God. I strive each day to be more like Him; I am still a work in progress.

    In each season of my life I have been truly blessed with a group of friends that just “belonged” in that phase. I have spent many, many hours gathered around our table celebrating successes and praying over the challenges. In today’s climate our dearest friends may be across the country or around the world–a virtual table chat is the norm.
    Pull up your favorite chair, grab a cup of coffee or tea join us for conversation. discussions of the sermon and meet new friends.

    Tell it to your children and let your children tell it to their children and their children to the next generation. Joel 1:3

    Wednesdays, 6PM - PST

    Hello I am Denise Karmie. 
    I split my time between Ohio and Southern California where I own and operate a business.  I grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania with my parents and two sisters. We always had friends and family gathered around our kitchen table.  I came to faith as a young teen, my faith grew at that kitchen table and many others.
    During my late teen years into early adulthood my parents took in foster children. I think that instilled in me an appreciation for family and an ability to befriend just about anyone.

    My husband and I were high school sweethearts and have been married 31 years. In our first few years of marriage we were blessed with five awesome kids. We became foster parents in 2000. In 2002, God chose two more daughters to join our growing brood. We have enjoyed raising our large family and all that it entails.We now have three wonderful grandkids

    As a Christian, saved by grace, I have tried to live out my faith through my everyday life. If along the way I can help others do the same I will feel I have pleased God. I strive each day to be more like Him; I am still a work in progress.

    In each season of my life I have been truly blessed with a group of friends that just “belonged” in that phase. I have spent many, many hours gathered around our table celebrating successes and praying over the challenges. In today's climate our dearest friends may be across the country or around the world--a virtual table chat is the norm.
    Pull up your favorite chair, grab a cup of coffee or tea join us for conversation. discussions of the sermon and meet new friends.

    Tell it to your children and let your children tell it to their children and their children to the next generation. Joel 1:3



    Host – Donna Chiodo-Guthrie

    Saturdays, 10:30AM – PST

    I’m Donna Chiodo-Guthrie. I’m married with 2 young adult adopted kids. I seen tragedy in the death of my ex husband, but right before he passed he accepted The Lord!  I recently re-married to a wonderful man, but satan is working overtime. My son recently took and overdose, and is in rehab. Praise God! He saved his life and giving him a fresh start.  During the lock down with Covid, The Lord put it on my heart to start a zoom bible study, and this wonderful opportunity appeared. I have a burden on my heart for women today fighting for their families and loved ones. I would love to focus on God’s LOVE, and help women to be WORLD CHANGERS through Pastor Greg’s messages, and the Word of God. Please join me on Saturdays at 9;30am PST on Zoom. We would love to have you! Just click the join this group button and send us an email telling us a little bit about yourself.  God Bless!

    Saturdays, 10:30AM - PST

    I'm Donna Chiodo-Guthrie. I'm married with 2 young adult adopted kids. I seen tragedy in the death of my ex husband, but right before he passed he accepted The Lord!  I recently re-married to a wonderful man, but satan is working overtime. My son recently took and overdose, and is in rehab. Praise God! He saved his life and giving him a fresh start.  During the lock down with Covid, The Lord put it on my heart to start a zoom bible study, and this wonderful opportunity appeared. I have a burden on my heart for women today fighting for their families and loved ones. I would love to focus on God's LOVE, and help women to be WORLD CHANGERS through Pastor Greg's messages, and the Word of God. Please join me on Saturdays at 9;30am PST on Zoom. We would love to have you! Just click the join this group button and send us an email telling us a little bit about yourself.  God Bless!



    Host – Duane French

    Wednesdays, 7:00PM – Pacific Standard Time

    Welcome to our Men’s small group. My name is DuaneFrench and I became a Christian in 1995.  I have learned over the years that the highest fulfillment possible in this life is found in utter dependence on God.  Come journey with us as we navigate life, learning to depend upon God.  This group meets every Wednesday evening from 7:00 to 8:00 pm, PST.  During our time together, we will examine and discuss our Gospel of John study in more detail to grow deeper in Christ so we can better make him known. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions that you may have.

    Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity, and honor.  Proverbs 21:21 NIV

    Wednesdays, 7:00PM - Pacific Standard Time

    Welcome to our Men’s small group. My name is DuaneFrench and I became a Christian in 1995.  I have learned over the years that the highest fulfillment possible in this life is found in utter dependence on God.  Come journey with us as we navigate life, learning to depend upon God.  This group meets every Wednesday evening from 7:00 to 8:00 pm, PST.  During our time together, we will examine and discuss our Gospel of John study in more detail to grow deeper in Christ so we can better make him known. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions that you may have.

    Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity, and honor.  Proverbs 21:21 NIV



    Host – Ed Kirkwood

    Tuesdays, 7PM – PST

    Hi, My name is Ed Kirkwood and I am here to help Men discover, develop and grow in their walk with Jesus Christ.

    I have been blessed and look to be a blessing. I believe Proverbs 27:17 when it says “Iron shapens iron, and one person sharpens another”. 

    I would be so privileged and blessed if you would like to join me each Tuesday night at 7 PM PST on Zoom to dig deeper into Pastor Greg’s Sunday message to help us become men after God’s own heart.  

    Tuesdays, 7PM - PST

    Hi, My name is Ed Kirkwood and I am here to help Men discover, develop and grow in their walk with Jesus Christ.

    I have been blessed and look to be a blessing. I believe Proverbs 27:17 when it says "Iron shapens iron, and one person sharpens another". 

    I would be so privileged and blessed if you would like to join me each Tuesday night at 7 PM PST on Zoom to dig deeper into Pastor Greg's Sunday message to help us become men after God's own heart.  



    Host – Edward Lucero

    Hello, my name is Edward Lucero.  I am a married father with 5 children.  I have followed Pastor Greg Laurie and Harvest Christian Fellowship for over 30 years.

    This group is comprised of men of all ages that desire to grow in their relationship with Christ by diving deeper into God’s word through Pastor Greg’s sermons.  Join us Saturday mornings at 7 AM PST via Zoom.  Our Saturday morning meetings run approximately 1 1/2 hours in length.

    If you would like to join our group, click the Request to Join button and send me an email telling me a little bit about yourself.

    Hello, my name is Edward Lucero.  I am a married father with 5 children.  I have followed Pastor Greg Laurie and Harvest Christian Fellowship for over 30 years.

    This group is comprised of men of all ages that desire to grow in their relationship with Christ by diving deeper into God's word through Pastor Greg’s sermons.  Join us Saturday mornings at 7 AM PST via Zoom.  Our Saturday morning meetings run approximately 1 1/2 hours in length.

    If you would like to join our group, click the Request to Join button and send me an email telling me a little bit about yourself.


    Host – Eric and Betsy Hansen

    Tuesdays, 7PM – PST

    We are Eric & Betsy Hansen, we’ve been married for 21 years, and for most of those years we’ve hosted a Bible study group of one kind or another.  Started with family focused groups when our kids were young to more recently empty nester groups now that the kids are grown and on their own.  Our group is comprised of whoever God leads to us.  And our goal is to encourage others to grow and be comfortable hosting a group of their own so we can continue to expand the family of God.  Join us on Tuesdays on Zoom at 7pm PST (10pm EST, 9pm CST, or 8pm MST depending on which time zone you are in).  If you would like more information or to join the group, click the Join this group button and send us an email letting us know of your interest.  Hope to see you soon on Zoom!
    Tuesdays, 7PM - PST

    We are Eric & Betsy Hansen, we've been married for 21 years, and for most of those years we've hosted a Bible study group of one kind or another.  Started with family focused groups when our kids were young to more recently empty nester groups now that the kids are grown and on their own.  Our group is comprised of whoever God leads to us.  And our goal is to encourage others to grow and be comfortable hosting a group of their own so we can continue to expand the family of God.  Join us on Tuesdays on Zoom at 7pm PST (10pm EST, 9pm CST, or 8pm MST depending on which time zone you are in).  If you would like more information or to join the group, click the Join this group button and send us an email letting us know of your interest.  Hope to see you soon on Zoom!

    Co-Ed & Couples


    Host – Erik Baldwin

    Thursdays, 7PM – PST | Co-ED

    I’m Erik Baldwin. This group will discuss Pastor Greg’s message: teaming up to provide encouragement towards applying the Biblical truths from each message in our unique daily life circumstances. We will pray for one another and support Harvest Christian Fellowship as much as we can. 
    Thursdays, 7PM - PST | Co-ED

    I'm Erik Baldwin. This group will discuss Pastor Greg's message: teaming up to provide encouragement towards applying the Biblical truths from each message in our unique daily life circumstances. We will pray for one another and support Harvest Christian Fellowship as much as we can. 

    Co-Ed & Couples


    Host – Gary East

    Thursdays, 7PM – PST | Co-Ed

    Welcome! Gary East Bible Study group leader here. Thank you for your desire to study God’s Word with our group, under pastor Greg’s leadership. If you are a new believer, maybe a little intimidated, I will do my best to make this a safe place to learn about God’s gift of His grace through faith. If you have studied the Bible, and want to learn more, welcome. Bring your questions, and your doubts. The study (and I) may not answer every question you have, but I promise to teach God’s Word faithfully. And if there is honest disagreement over a particular topic “In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all other things charity”. Listen to pastor Greg’s weekly message, read the verses he sends in our study outline, pray for God’s guidance to help us understand together, faithfully attend each week, and participate with us. God created this group for His people, to learn of Him.

    Thursdays, 7PM - PST | Co-Ed

    Welcome! Gary East Bible Study group leader here. Thank you for your desire to study God's Word with our group, under pastor Greg's leadership. If you are a new believer, maybe a little intimidated, I will do my best to make this a safe place to learn about God's gift of His grace through faith. If you have studied the Bible, and want to learn more, welcome. Bring your questions, and your doubts. The study (and I) may not answer every question you have, but I promise to teach God's Word faithfully. And if there is honest disagreement over a particular topic "In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all other things charity". Listen to pastor Greg's weekly message, read the verses he sends in our study outline, pray for God's guidance to help us understand together, faithfully attend each week, and participate with us. God created this group for His people, to learn of Him.



    Host – Geneva Koebel

    Mondays, 4:30PM – PST

    Life is all about relationships. I am looking forward to knowing God better and making Him known. I am looking forward to seeing His Glory with others as we study His Word and pray. I am also looking forward to getting to know you and for our team to be a group filled with His Joy, Peace and Love. 

    I pray that we will leave each weekly meeting refreshed and empowered to be used by God in a mighty way, one hundred fold, for His Kingdom and for His Glory. 

    I pray also that we would be a blessing to one another and that many would come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior through this group. In Jesus’ All Powerful and Glorious Name, Amen. 

    “And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.”  Matthew 24:14 

    Mondays, 4:30PM - PST

    Life is all about relationships. I am looking forward to knowing God better and making Him known. I am looking forward to seeing His Glory with others as we study His Word and pray. I am also looking forward to getting to know you and for our team to be a group filled with His Joy, Peace and Love. 

    I pray that we will leave each weekly meeting refreshed and empowered to be used by God in a mighty way, one hundred fold, for His Kingdom and for His Glory. 

    I pray also that we would be a blessing to one another and that many would come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior through this group. In Jesus’ All Powerful and Glorious Name, Amen. 

    "And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come."  Matthew 24:14 

    Co-Ed & Couples


    Host – Grace Thorbecke

    Wednesdays, 6PM – PST

    Aloha and konnichiwa!  My name is Grace Thorbecke.  I was born and raised on Maui and am a member of the Harvest Kumulani ohana.  The Lord has brought my husband and me to Tokyo, Japan.  We are now empty-nesters and grandparents.  We would love to fellowship with other couples in this season of life.  We welcome H@H attendees from around the globe to our ohana.
    Wednesdays, 6PM - PST

    Aloha and konnichiwa!  My name is Grace Thorbecke.  I was born and raised on Maui and am a member of the Harvest Kumulani ohana.  The Lord has brought my husband and me to Tokyo, Japan.  We are now empty-nesters and grandparents.  We would love to fellowship with other couples in this season of life.  We welcome H@H attendees from around the globe to our ohana.



    Host – Hannah Johnson-Kisella

    Hi my name is Hannah and I am married with 3 young adult children.
    This group is for woman of any age looking to deepen their walk with God as we dive deeper into Pastor Greg’s Sunday message. 
    Join me on Thursday evenings at 6pm on Zoom. If you would like to join my group, click join this group button and send  me an email telling me a little bit about yourself. 
    Hi my name is Hannah and I am married with 3 young adult children.
    This group is for woman of any age looking to deepen their walk with God as we dive deeper into Pastor Greg’s Sunday message. 
    Join me on Thursday evenings at 6pm on Zoom. If you would like to join my group, click join this group button and send  me an email telling me a little bit about yourself. 

    Co-Ed & Couples


    Host – Ian Hausberg

    Thursdays, 4:30 – PST

    I am Ian Hausberg and this group is for any one who is interested in our  Lord Jesus christ . Join us on Thursdays  at 430 PM PST And 730 PM EST If you would like to join our group click the join this group button and send us a email telling us a little about yourself
    Thursdays, 4:30 - PST

    I am Ian Hausberg and this group is for any one who is interested in our  Lord Jesus christ . Join us on Thursdays  at 430 PM PST And 730 PM EST If you would like to join our group click the join this group button and send us a email telling us a little about yourself



    Host – Jason Sykora

    Fridays, 7PM – CST

    Hello fellow brothers in Christ. My name is Jason Sykora and my desire is to lead people into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. My group is comprised of Men of all different ages.

    We are going to gather together to dive deeper into Pastor Greg’s Sunday Message and to learn how to be more relational with God and others. 

    Join us on Friday Night at 7pm CST on Zoom! If you would like to join my group, click the Join this group button and send us a email telling us a little bit about yourself.

    Fridays, 7PM - CST

    Hello fellow brothers in Christ. My name is Jason Sykora and my desire is to lead people into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. My group is comprised of Men of all different ages.

    We are going to gather together to dive deeper into Pastor Greg's Sunday Message and to learn how to be more relational with God and others. 

    Join us on Friday Night at 7pm CST on Zoom! If you would like to join my group, click the Join this group button and send us a email telling us a little bit about yourself.



    Host – Jenny Beck

    My name is Jenny.  My husband and I have been married over 20 year and we have two beautiful daughters. One in high school and the other in college. 
    Our group welcomes women of any stage of life. In this crazy world, we need to be rooted in Jesus. Come join us as we encourage root growth of each other. 
    We will be meeting every other week on Thursday nights at 6 pm using the Harvest Sermon Discussions.
    If you are interested in joining us, please hit join and tell me about yourself. 
    My name is Jenny.  My husband and I have been married over 20 year and we have two beautiful daughters. One in high school and the other in college. 

    Our group welcomes women of any stage of life. In this crazy world, we need to be rooted in Jesus. Come join us as we encourage root growth of each other. 

    We will be meeting every other week on Thursday nights at 6 pm using the Harvest Sermon Discussions.

    If you are interested in joining us, please hit join and tell me about yourself. 



    Host – Jerry Aiken

    Wednesdays, 7PM – EST | Men

    I’m Jerry a Husband, Father, and Grandfather. I have followed Greg Laurie since 2005 when I was born again. I’m wanting to mentor and encourage a group of men all ages in their walk with the Lord!
    Wednesdays, 7PM - EST | Men

    I’m Jerry a Husband, Father, and Grandfather. I have followed Greg Laurie since 2005 when I was born again. I’m wanting to mentor and encourage a group of men all ages in their walk with the Lord!


    Host – Jim and Bonny Richards

    Tuesdays, 6:30PM – CST

    Hello, We are James and Bonny Richards, we have been married for 40 plus years. Our group is comprised of any couple, young or not quite that young, that is desiring to deepen their relationship with GOD. Each week we will dig into Paster Greg’s Sunday message and see how it applies to our every day lifes. We are meeting on Tuesdays @ 6:30PM CST on ZOOM!

    If you would like to join us in our study, please click the join this group button and send us an e-mail telling us a little about yourself. 

    Tuesdays, 6:30PM - CST

    Hello, We are James and Bonny Richards, we have been married for 40 plus years. Our group is comprised of any couple, young or not quite that young, that is desiring to deepen their relationship with GOD. Each week we will dig into Paster Greg's Sunday message and see how it applies to our every day lifes. We are meeting on Tuesdays @ 6:30PM CST on ZOOM!

    If you would like to join us in our study, please click the join this group button and send us an e-mail telling us a little about yourself. 



    Host – Jim Macaluso

    Thursdays, 2PM – EST

    My name is Jim Macaluso and I have been saved since 2007. Our Men’s group strive to keep God centered and number One as we dive deeper into Pastor Greg’s Sunday message.

    Join us every Thursday at 2 PM EST on Zoom. If you would like to join our group, click the “Join this group” button and send us an email telling us a little about yourself.

    Thursdays, 2PM - EST

    My name is Jim Macaluso and I have been saved since 2007. Our Men's group strive to keep God centered and number One as we dive deeper into Pastor Greg's Sunday message.

    Join us every Thursday at 2 PM EST on Zoom. If you would like to join our group, click the "Join this group" button and send us an email telling us a little about yourself.



    Host – John Thie

    Wednesdays, 7PM – MST | Men

    We are a group of dedicated followers of Christ Jesus. We will use the Harvest Christian Fellowship Small Group materials as our guide in digging deeper into God’s amazing Holy word to be better prepared to help each other and others on their path.

    Wednesdays, 7PM - MST | Men

    We are a group of dedicated followers of Christ Jesus. We will use the Harvest Christian Fellowship Small Group materials as our guide in digging deeper into God’s amazing Holy word to be better prepared to help each other and others on their path.

    Co-Ed & Couples


    Host – John Traynor

    Sundays, 5:00 PM – MST

    My name is John Traynor a Christian since 1976. 
    This group is comprised of married, and singles, and are thrilled to gain a better grasp of what it means to follow Jesus.
    Join us as we look closer at Pastor Greg’s last message.
    Sundays, 5:00 PM - MST

    My name is John Traynor a Christian since 1976. 
    This group is comprised of married, and singles, and are thrilled to gain a better grasp of what it means to follow Jesus.
    Join us as we look closer at Pastor Greg's last message.

    Co-Ed & Couples


    Host – Johnny Robison

    Tuesdays, 7:00 P.M. PST | Co-Ed + Couples

    My name is Johnny and I’ve been married for 34 years. My wife and I have taught premarital classes and marriage classes. We would love to meet and serve other couples who are thinking about getting married or are married. 

    Our group meets on Tuesday nights at 7pm PST and we go over Pastor Greg’s sermons on Harvest at Home and discuss it. If you’re interested in joining our group, click on the button that says “Request to Join” and send us a message. We can’t wait to meet you and study God’s word together!

    Tuesdays, 7:00 P.M. PST | Co-Ed + Couples

    My name is Johnny and I've been married for 34 years. My wife and I have taught premarital classes and marriage classes. We would love to meet and serve other couples who are thinking about getting married or are married. 

    Our group meets on Tuesday nights at 7pm PST and we go over Pastor Greg's sermons on Harvest at Home and discuss it. If you're interested in joining our group, click on the button that says "Request to Join" and send us a message. We can't wait to meet you and study God's word together!



    Host – Judy Hails

    Mondays, 4PM – Pacific – 5 p.m. Mountain – 6 p.m. Central – 7 p.m. Eastern

    I am retired and I have had careers as a teacher and a therapist. My group is for women who are seniors. This group focuses on Pastor Greg’s sermon. It also is designed to help older women connect and feel supported as they study God’s word. 

    We will be open and make suggestions to help each other as we go on life’s journey and prepare to be with Jesus in heaven. 

    Mondays, 4PM - Pacific - 5 p.m. Mountain - 6 p.m. Central - 7 p.m. Eastern

    I am retired and I have had careers as a teacher and a therapist. My group is for women who are seniors. This group focuses on Pastor Greg's sermon. It also is designed to help older women connect and feel supported as they study God's word. 

    We will be open and make suggestions to help each other as we go on life's journey and prepare to be with Jesus in heaven. 



    Host – Karen Minnick

    Sundays, 8:15 AM-9:15 AM Mountain Time
    (7:15-8:15 AM Pacific Time, 9:15-10:15 AMCentral Time, 11:15-12:15 Eastern Time, 2:15-3 PM UK London time)

    Hello! My name is Karen Minnick. I am a retired home schooling mom and currently am on my second career of supervising female inmates at our local jail. I would love for you to join our group to gain support and to give support to other ladies in all walks of life.

    We want to be the women that God has created us to be in all that we think, say and do. We will build friendships as we dive deeper into Pastor Greg’s Sunday message and learn how it applies to our lives every day. 


    Sundays, 8:15 AM-9:15 AM Mountain Time
    (7:15-8:15 AM Pacific Time, 9:15-10:15 AMCentral Time, 11:15-12:15 Eastern Time, 2:15-3 PM UK London time)

    Hello! My name is Karen Minnick. I am a retired home schooling mom and currently am on my second career of supervising female inmates at our local jail. I would love for you to join our group to gain support and to give support to other ladies in all walks of life.

    We want to be the women that God has created us to be in all that we think, say and do. We will build friendships as we dive deeper into Pastor Greg's Sunday message and learn how it applies to our lives every day.