Harvest Church


Harvest Christian Fellowship’s first campus and the hub of activity for decades. It also serves as the location of Harvest Christian School and The Space.

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Sunday: 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM


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“Jesus And The Last Days”


Develop deep friendships, study God’s Word, and see how people just like you live their faith daily.



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Harvest Groups are one of the best ways to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ. God doesn’t want any of us to be left to walk through life alone – we need each other to encourage, support and challenge on another.

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      Youth Student Leadership (RIV)

      Thursday Nights and Sunday Mornings

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      Yolanda Jimenez

      Meets weekly on Thursdays from 9:30-10:30am

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      Women’s Intercessory Prayer

      Wednesday at 9:00am

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      Westin and Krysta Bruflodt

      Mondays, 7PM on-campus

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      Wendy Ramey

      Meets weekly on Tuesdays from 10am-12pm

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      Welcome Group | New Believers

      Mondays, 7PM

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      Riverside Harvest Staff

      Greg Laurie

      Senior Pastor

      Jonathan Laurie

      Executive Pastor

      Paul Eaton

      Administrative Pastor

      Elijah Braggs

      Associate Pastor

      Adam Eaton

      Associate Pastor

      Richard Garcia

      Pastor/Director of Connection and Serve Team

      Hanz Ives

      Associate Pastor

      John Douthitt

      Associate Pastor

      Ron Case

      Associate Pastor


      Develop deep friendships, study God’s Word, and see how people just like you live their faith daily.


      Youth Student Leadership (RIV)



      Yolanda Jimenez



      Women’s Intercessory Prayer

      Women meet in the Chapel for 2 1/2 hours to pray for our Pastors and church needs.
      Women meet in the Chapel for 2 1/2 hours to pray for our Pastors and church needs.

      Co-Ed & Couples


      Westin and Krysta Bruflodt

      Group meets in the Youth dept office
      Group meets in the Youth dept office



      Wendy Ramey

      Welcome Group | New Believers

      Greg Laurie

      Senior Pastor

      I came from a broken home and was lonely much of the time. As did so many others of my generation, I bought into the idea that drugs might contain some of the answers I was looking for, so I could truly find myself. At a very early age, I found myself asking the big questions: What is the meaning of life? Why am I here? And the one that really kept me up nights: What will happen after I die?

      Although I felt certain that Jesus was out there somewhere, I certainly did not think He was interested in me or my problems. But one day, on my high-school campus, I sat close enough to a Bible study to overhear what was being said without looking like one of the group. I don’t remember much of what was said that day except for one statement: Jesus said, “You are either for Me or against Me.” What side are you on?

      That really struck me. Before I knew quite what was happening, I was praying to receive Jesus Christ into my heart and life. Since that day in 1970, I have pastored a church and written a number of books as well as preached in evangelistic events we hold called Harvest Crusades.

      Growing up, it was my dream to one day become a professional cartoonist, but God opened up a different plan for my life, and I’m glad he did. I hope you will allow God to use you to further His kingdom as well.

      Born in: 1952
      Birthplace: Long Beach, CA
      Pastor since: 1971
      Previous work: Graphic Designer
      Favorite verse: Jeremiah 29:11
      Married to: Cathe
      Married since: 1974
      Children: Christopher, Jonathan
      Grandchildren: Stella, Lucy, Rylie, Alexandra, Christopher

      Jonathan Laurie

      Executive Pastor

      I am Pastor Greg’s youngest son and have always known and believed in Jesus and that there is a God in Heaven who loves me. I walked away from the Lord for a time in my teenage years, but fully committed my life to Christ after my older brother, Christopher, asked me what it was going to take to give my life to Christ. A short time later, Christopher went to be with the Lord. It was that statement Christopher had proposed to me that got my attention. I’m married to Brittni and we have known each other since we were 11, in junior high. We have three children: Rylie, Allie, and Christopher.

      Born in: 1986
      Birthplace: Riverside, CA
      Pastor since: 2015
      Previous work: Aerospace
      Favorite verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17
      Married to: Brittni
      Married since: 2010
      Children: Rylie, Alexandra, Christopher

      Paul Eaton

      Administrative Pastor

      As a child I was introduced to Christ in my home, but as a teen I became rebellious and got involved in drugs and alcohol. I heard the gospel at a youth event and received Christ. The first two years of my walk with the Lord were very difficult because I was disobedient to Him. My girlfriend (now my wife) and I came to Calvary Chapel of Riverside (now Harvest) in 1981 and heard Pastor Greg speak on “Lot and the Compromised Life.” We responded to the invitation to recommit to the Lord and have been walking strongly with Him ever since. We continually praise God for His blessings in our lives. In 1994 I was invited onto the pastoral staff, and in 2001, became an Administrative Pastor overseeing communications.

      Born in: 1961
      Birthplace: La Mesa, CA
      Pastor since: 1994
      Previous work: Sign company
      Favorite verse: Philippians 1:6
      Married to: Debbie
      Married since: 1983
      Children: Alyssa, Adam, Aaron, Abigail
      Grandchildren: Adah, Jude, Jackson, Paul, Asher, Braxton, Norah, Calvin

      Elijah Braggs

      Associate Pastor

      From a young age I knew God was real and that He was watching over me. I grew up mostly in San Bernardino and at age 15, sitting in my high school class, I heard a clear gospel presentation from one of my fellow classmates. It struck me to the heart and right there in class I gave my life to Christ.

      I struggled as a young Christian until I became an adult, started working, and got a car. I remembered going to Harvest when I was a very small boy and hearing the truth of the Word of God being taught. I decided to drive out to Riverside to start attending church each week. I got involved in the Sports Ministry and in 2002, I met my wife, Sarah. We were married a year later and we now have two children and one on the way.

      We have been involved with many ministries throughout our years here at Harvest. It has been a blessing to grow and serve together as a couple and as a family, and we are especially grateful for the extended family in Christ that we have gotten to know over the years through fellowship and service. I am overjoyed to now be entrusted with shepherding the people of God as a pastor.

      Birthplace: San Bernardino, CA
      Pastor since: 2018
      Married to: Sarah
      Married since: 2003

      Adam Eaton

      Associate Pastor

      I don’t know when I was saved. The first time I prayed and asked Jesus to forgive my sins was at a Harvest kids’ Crusade around the age of 5. I didn’t really know what I was doing. I was the kid in junior high and high school that would go forward at almost every altar call to ask for forgiveness. I didn’t understand grace. I can’t look back at my life and say, “That was the day I became a Christian,” but as I began to learn more about God’s grace, I can say, “God’s grace is sufficient” and that I know that I am saved. I have been serving at Harvest in some capacity since serving on the Children’s Ministry security team at the ripe old age of 13. I still do not know why they allowed me to do that.

      Shortly after graduating junior high, I began serving as a leader in the ministry and have been serving there ever since. I have a passion for young people to know God through His Word and to make Him known. Jesus said in John 15:5, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” Without Jesus we cannot do anything for His kingdom. Everything that we do for God’s kingdom and in ministry must be done out of and fueled by our intimacy with Jesus, for apart from Him we can do nothing.

      Born in: 1986
      Birthplace: Upland
      Pastor since: 2014
      Previous work: Video Department
      Favorite scripture: Ephesians 2:4-5
      Married to: Heather Eaton
      Married since: August, 2015
      Children: Asher and Braxton

      Richard Garcia

      Pastor/Director of Connection and Serve Team

      At the age of 30, my life was a mess. My wife, Terry, went to Harvest one Sunday night, and when she came home, she looked different to me. Her light beamed so brightly that I wanted what she had! I joined her at church the following Sunday and went forward, along with my two daughters, to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior on July 15, 1990.

      Immediately, we began serving together within the church. The New Believer ministry was the first ministry that I had the honor of being involved in and still hold dear to my heart. Over the years, I have also had the privilege to be a part of and oversee various ministries such as Crusades, Young Adults, Harvest at Home and the Connection and Serve Team. I have a deep-rooted passion and heart for volunteers, unity, and team building. My wife and I love coming alongside newer and seasoned believers and cultivating their love for Jesus, while doing life alongside them. My prayer and hope for Harvest is that all people would come to know Jesus as Lord and that we would do all things to bring glory to our Father.


      Born In: 1959
      Birthplace: Lynwood, CA
      Pastor Since: 2012
      Previous Work: General Contractor
      Favorite Verse: Proverbs 3:5–6
      Favorite Thing To Do: Collecting and listening to vinyl records
      Married To: Terry Garcia
      Children: Shannon, Celeste, Ashley, Jakob

      Hanz Ives

      Associate Pastor

      I grew up going to church but never had a relationship with the Lord. During my teens I began to work as a musician and unfortunately fell into the stereotypical lifestyle of the musician: drug and alcohol abuse and late nights with the wrong crowd. In hindsight I can see it now but at the time I didn’t recognize that I was on a spiritual search, trying to fill the “God shaped hole” in my life with things that could never work, including false religions.

      It was during this time that I met my soon-to-be wife, Debbie. In 1987 Debbie and I moved from Albuquerque, New Mexico, to Southern California to pursue a songwriting/recording career. Through a series of God-ordained circumstances, my wife and I came to know and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

      In 1993 I began serving with Pastor Greg at his Monday Night Study at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. In August of 1997 I became the full-time worship leader at Harvest.

      Born in: 1959
      Birthplace: Albuquerque, New Mexico
      Worship Leader since: 1993
      Instrument of choice: Electric Guitar (My Duesenberg Starplayer TV to be exact)
      Previous work: Songwriting, recording and performing musician
      Favorite Verse: Psalm 37:4–5, Romans 12:1–2, Hebrews 12:1–2
      Favorite worship song: Changes all the time
      Married to: Debbie Ives
      Married since: 1984
      Children: Elly, Mary

      John Douthitt

      Associate Pastor

      I grew up attending different churches off and on, but never really understood God’s plan of salvation. While serving in the military, a Southern Baptist guy from Alabama shared the gospel with me and gave me a book to read, titled The Late Great Planet Earth. Shortly after finishing that book we went into a worldwide alert in the winter of 1973. I thought the world was coming to an end. I gave my heart to Jesus Christ as soon as the alert was over. Since then I have served in street ministries, the Prayer and Share Counseling Ministry, the Men’s Bible Fellowships, the Church Office, and as an elder.

      Born in: 1953
      Birthplace: Lynwood, CA
      Pastor since: 2004
      Previous work: California Highway Patrol
      Favorite verse: Proverbs 3:5-6
      Married to: Randi
      Married since: 1987
      Children: Crystle, Daniel
      Grandchildren: Ronald, Michael, Christian, Oliver, Isaiah, Sammy

      Ron Case

      Associate Pastor

      I was not raised in a Christian home. It was a very “moral” home but church and the Lord were not a part of it. On January 17, 1982, my girlfriend brought me to Calvary Chapel of Riverside. I listened to the music of “Sweet Comfort” and to the gospel message by Pastor Greg. I came forward at the invitation to receive Christ as my Savior, was born again, went back to the counseling room, talked to a counselor, and was off and running. I had never read or owned a Bible so I was totally “starting from scratch.”

      From there, I attended just about every Bible study and service the church provided, including Dennis Davenport’s home study in Rialto. I went on missions trips to the Philippines, Thailand, Macau, and smuggled Bibles into China. The East Coast “Radio Rallies” in the early ’80s were instrumental in getting me involved in serving the Lord and providing me with great fellowship. Many of the relationships built on these trips remain to this day, including meeting my wife, Leah, whom I met on a church trip to New York, Philadelphia, Boston, and Washington DC in 1984.

      In more than 30 years at Harvest I have served in missions, children’s ministry, ushering, home Bible studies, men’s studies, and spent over 20 years helping oversee the follow-up and discipleship ministries. In the mid ’90s, I was blessed to help coordinate Samaritan’s Purse’s Operation Christmas Child on the West Coast. I was able to help deliver the shoeboxes to needy children in Bosnia, Croatia, and Mexico City. Since 1990, when Summer Harvest (later the Harvest Crusades) began, I was blessed to attend and to serve at all the Harvest Crusades, and got to direct crusades in amazing places including: Fort Lauderdale, Honolulu, Australia, and New Zealand.

      To see our sons and their families, including our five grandchildren, being raised in the ways of the Lord is by far the biggest blessing. The Lord has been very good to Leah and me and we are blessed to call Harvest our home.

      Born on: October 13, 1957
      Birthplace: Fontana, CA
      Pastor since: 1990
      Previous work: Masonry Contractor
      Favorite verses: Psalm 1, Psalm 37:4, and Romans 8:28
      Married to: Leah
      Married since: 1987
      Children: Dan, David
      Grandchildren: Miles, Owen, Liam, Quinn and Jane