Harvest Church

Orange County

Harvest Orange County is located in the city of Irvine on Gillette Avenue and serves all of Orange County. Born out of a midweek Bible study, this campus continues to attract more and more attendees each week.

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Orange County

Sunday: 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM


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“Jesus And The Last Days”


Develop deep friendships, study God’s Word, and see how people just like you live their faith daily.



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Harvest Groups are one of the best ways to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ. God doesn’t want any of us to be left to walk through life alone – we need each other to encourage, support and challenge on another.

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      Zach Mikol | Young Adults

      Meets weekly on Wednesdays from 6-7:30pm

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      Zach + Brittaney Mikol
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      Wendy MacGinnis

      Wednesdays at 10:00 AM, On Campus

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      Wednesday Morning Bible study

      Meets weekly on Wednesdays from 10-11:30am

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      Virgie Bleich

      Wednesday at 7:00 PM, On Campus

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      Tracey O’Leary | Kathy Bogart | Dottie MacGinnis

      Wednesdays at 10:00 AM, On Campus

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      Orange County Harvest Staff

      Greg Laurie

      Senior Pastor

      Jonathan Laurie

      Executive Pastor

      Josh Morris

      Executive Director, Strategy & Advancement

      Mike Jonker

      Associate Pastor

      Ron Case

      Associate Pastor

      Adam Shere

      Associate Pastor

      Tim Nienhuis

      Worship Leader

      Adam Eaton

      Associate Pastor

      Gabriel Velasquez

      Pastor of Advancement


      Develop deep friendships, study God’s Word, and see how people just like you live their faith daily.

      Men, Young Adults


      Zach Mikol | Young Adults



      Wendy MacGinnis

      A group of amazing women who desire to grow in relationship with Jesus, live in community, and encourage one another to shine brightly. 

      {Current study: Harvest Groups current Bible study curriculum}

      A group of amazing women who desire to grow in relationship with Jesus, live in community, and encourage one another to shine brightly. 

      {Current study: Harvest Groups current Bible study curriculum}


      Wednesday Morning Bible study

      Wednesday morning Bible study consisting mainly of high school student leaders. 

      Group starts around 10:00AM and goes until around 11:30AM every Wednesday morning.

      Wednesday morning Bible study consisting mainly of high school student leaders. 

      Group starts around 10:00AM and goes until around 11:30AM every Wednesday morning.



      Virgie Bleich

      Current study: Harvest Groups current Bible study curriculum
      Current study: Harvest Groups current Bible study curriculum



      Tracey O’Leary | Kathy Bogart | Dottie MacGinnis

      Current study: Harvest Groups current Bible study curriculum
      Current study: Harvest Groups current Bible study curriculum

      Greg Laurie

      Senior Pastor

      I came from a broken home and was lonely much of the time. As did so many others of my generation, I bought into the idea that drugs might contain some of the answers I was looking for, so I could truly find myself. At a very early age, I found myself asking the big questions: What is the meaning of life? Why am I here? And the one that really kept me up nights: What will happen after I die?

      Although I felt certain that Jesus was out there somewhere, I certainly did not think He was interested in me or my problems. But one day, on my high-school campus, I sat close enough to a Bible study to overhear what was being said without looking like one of the group. I don’t remember much of what was said that day except for one statement: Jesus said, “You are either for Me or against Me.” What side are you on?

      That really struck me. Before I knew quite what was happening, I was praying to receive Jesus Christ into my heart and life. Since that day in 1970, I have pastored a church and written a number of books as well as preached in evangelistic events we hold called Harvest Crusades.

      Growing up, it was my dream to one day become a professional cartoonist, but God opened up a different plan for my life, and I’m glad he did. I hope you will allow God to use you to further His kingdom as well.

      Born in: 1952
      Birthplace: Long Beach, CA
      Pastor since: 1971
      Previous work: Graphic Designer
      Favorite verse: Jeremiah 29:11
      Married to: Cathe
      Married since: 1974
      Children: Christopher, Jonathan
      Grandchildren: Stella, Lucy, Rylie, Alexandra, Christopher

      Jonathan Laurie

      Executive Pastor

      I am Pastor Greg’s youngest son and have always known and believed in Jesus and that there is a God in Heaven who loves me. I walked away from the Lord for a time in my teenage years, but fully committed my life to Christ after my older brother, Christopher, asked me what it was going to take to give my life to Christ. A short time later, Christopher went to be with the Lord. It was that statement Christopher had proposed to me that got my attention. I’m married to Brittni and we have known each other since we were 11, in junior high. We have three children: Rylie, Allie, and Christopher.

      Born in: 1986
      Birthplace: Riverside, CA
      Pastor since: 2015
      Previous work: Aerospace
      Favorite verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17
      Married to: Brittni
      Married since: 2010
      Children: Rylie, Alexandra, Christopher

      Josh Morris

      Executive Director, Strategy & Advancement

      I was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, where I learned to fully embrace the laid-back lifestyle, and long days soaking in the sunshine on the beach. While I was raised in a loving, Christian home, I spent most of my formative years rebelling against all things “church”. It wasn’t until my college-aged years that I became a Christian.

      After we moved to Southern California, my mother began to attend Harvest, and as a teenager, I have memories of my mom dragging me both to church services and a few Harvest Crusades.

      In 2010, the Lord began to draw near to me, and show me that the life I had been living was empty and meaningless, and I gave my life to Christ and have never looked back. Thinking back to the days when my family used to “drag” me to church, I knew that as a new Christian, I wanted to be a part of Harvest.

      Over the years, I have volunteered in various ministries at Harvest, from Young Adults, Men’s Ministry, and even the Crusades. In 2012, I accepted a position to come on staff at Harvest. The next year, I met my beautiful wife Laura who was also working at the church.

      I hold a Dual Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Organizational Leadership from California Baptist University where I graduated Summa Cum Laude. My passion is to use my gifts of administration to aid in the mission of the Church and provide exceptional leadership to all those that serve on my teams.

      I currently serve as the Executive Director of Strategy & Advancement. In my role, I help to grow Harvest Church and provide strategic alignment of budgets, people, and priorities to achieve measurable quantitative and qualitative growth for the ministry.

      Laura and I live in Irvine, California, and have a heart for the Riverside, OC, and Maui communities of our campuses. When I’m not serving the church, you’ll usually find me on two wheels, enjoying motorcycle rides. Laura and I love to explore new and exciting restaurants, new movies, and live shows.

      Born in: 1990

      Birthplace: Honolulu, Hawaii

      Favorite Food: Sushi

      Previous Work: Non-profit marketing

      Favorite Scripture: Ephesians 4:15

      Married to: Laura

      Married Since: 2015

      Mike Jonker

      Associate Pastor

      I was blessed to grow up with parents who loved Jesus. I remember praying to receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior at the ripe old age of 7.

      I never doubted that Jesus had died on the cross for my sins and rose again. I never doubted that Heaven was real and that Jesus promised everlasting life to those who believe in Him.

      My problem was that I grew away from God, instead of growing closer.

      From junior high through college, I lived for me. In high school, I played football and baseball, wrestled, surfed, and partied a lot. None of my friends were Christians and nobody knew I was a Christian either. Maybe I wasn’t either.

      I was living a Luke 15 life—total anarchy. After high school, I moved to Huntington Beach to surf and party and live what I thought would be the “endless summer.” As it turned out, it was really the “endless bummer.” I was living the lifestyle I thought would make me happy, but I was empty inside.

      Little did I know that my parents and a girl friend were praying for me. She had become a Christian and asked me to go to a concert, which turned out to be a Christian concert. That night, God used that girl to remind me how much He loved me and how much He wanted me to come back to Him.

      I went to this girl’s church, which was Harvest. Pastor Greg shared the words of Jesus in Matthew 12:30: “If you’re not with me, you’re against me.”

      Those words hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew I wasn’t living for Christ. I had tried to blow off my Savior, while keeping my salvation, and Jesus was calling me out on it. He spoke to my heart, asking me, “Are you for me?” My answer, by the way I was living my life, was “No.”

      That morning, Greg asked those who wanted to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior to come forward to the front of the church. He also asked those who wanted to start fresh with Jesus to come forward too.

      My heart had been pounding so hard . . . I got up, walked to the front, and asked for forgiveness and a fresh start. It was so radical. I really felt like the weight of sin had dropped off my shoulders.

      I’ve been walking with Jesus for more than 28 years now. I fell in love with and married the girl (Dianne) who invited me to that Christian concert. We have two daughters, Tiffany and Tayler; and we have a son, Dylan, who is in heaven.

      My passion is connecting people to Jesus. I believe people don’t know Him for who He is. He’s been misrepresented . . . it is the ultimate identity theft. He wants to be known.

      I still like surfing with my family and friends, but I love serving Jesus with family and friends even better.

      If you need a second chance, Jesus is a prayer away!

      Born in: 1961
      Birthplace: Los Angeles, CA
      Pastor since: 2009
      Previous work: Construction Foreman/Auto Parts Manufacturer’s Rep
      Favorite scripture: Hebrews 12:1-2, Psalms 25
      Married to: Dianne
      Married since: 1983
      Children: Tiffany, Tayler, Dylan

      Ron Case

      Associate Pastor

      I was not raised in a Christian home. It was a very “moral” home but church and the Lord were not a part of it. On January 17, 1982, my girlfriend brought me to Calvary Chapel of Riverside. I listened to the music of “Sweet Comfort” and to the gospel message by Pastor Greg. I came forward at the invitation to receive Christ as my Savior, was born again, went back to the counseling room, talked to a counselor, and was off and running. I had never read or owned a Bible so I was totally “starting from scratch.”

      From there, I attended just about every Bible study and service the church provided, including Dennis Davenport’s home study in Rialto. I went on missions trips to the Philippines, Thailand, Macau, and smuggled Bibles into China. The East Coast “Radio Rallies” in the early ’80s were instrumental in getting me involved in serving the Lord and providing me with great fellowship. Many of the relationships built on these trips remain to this day, including meeting my wife, Leah, whom I met on a church trip to New York, Philadelphia, Boston, and Washington DC in 1984.

      In more than 30 years at Harvest I have served in missions, children’s ministry, ushering, home Bible studies, men’s studies, and spent over 20 years helping oversee the follow-up and discipleship ministries. In the mid ’90s, I was blessed to help coordinate Samaritan’s Purse’s Operation Christmas Child on the West Coast. I was able to help deliver the shoeboxes to needy children in Bosnia, Croatia, and Mexico City. Since 1990, when Summer Harvest (later the Harvest Crusades) began, I was blessed to attend and to serve at all the Harvest Crusades, and got to direct crusades in amazing places including: Fort Lauderdale, Honolulu, Australia, and New Zealand.

      To see our sons and their families, including our five grandchildren, being raised in the ways of the Lord is by far the biggest blessing. The Lord has been very good to Leah and me and we are blessed to call Harvest our home.

      Born on: October 13, 1957
      Birthplace: Fontana, CA
      Pastor since: 1990
      Previous work: Masonry Contractor
      Favorite verses: Psalm 1, Psalm 37:4, and Romans 8:28
      Married to: Leah
      Married since: 1987
      Children: Dan, David
      Grandchildren: Miles, Owen, Liam, Quinn and Jane

      Adam Shere

      Associate Pastor

      Adam was raised in a strong Christian home and comes from a family of ministry. His grandfather and uncle were both pastors, and his great grandfather was a traveling evangelist. Though he accepted Christ at the young age of 5 years old and grew up in the church, Adam considers coming to Harvest as a pivotal point in his spiritual journey. At Harvest, he developed a passion for serving and ministry, quickly getting involved in various ministries throughout the church.

      In 2014 Adam was hired as a custodian at Harvest. It was during his tenure in custodial that he began to feel the call to pastoral service. Adam met his wife, Jackie, at Harvest in 2016 and developed a close friendship with her while serving and ministering together. In 2018 they were married, and they now have the privilege of working together in Harvest Kids.

      He is also a worship leader and graduated as valedictorian from Calvary Chapel School of Worship. His hobbies include hiking, music, movies, and coffee.

      Adam is excited to see God continue to use Harvest for His glory and is honored to help shepherd and minister to God’s people.

      Born in: 1982
      Birthplace: Hemet, CA
      Pastor since: 2020
      Previous work: Disability Management
      Favorite verse: Psalm 139
      Married to: Jackie
      Married since: 2018

      Tim Nienhuis

      Worship Leader

      I was raised in the church and sang on stage for the first time when I was five (I believe the song was “Because He Lives” or “How Great Thou Art”). I started playing guitar in church a few years after that. I began recording and playing in bands when I was 15, and have been passionate about it ever since. I travelled a lot and recorded with different artists, but I always had a heart to serve in my local church.

      I started playing in the Wednesday night band at Harvest Riverside and for the Harvest Crusades in 2005. Not long after, Pastor Greg started a Thursday night Bible Study in Orange County, where I live. I began playing guitar and leading worship with the team. Next, I began leading worship for the men’s study. Then Harvest Orange County opened in 2011 as a full-fledged church campus. I came on staff as one of the worship leaders for Harvest OC, and have been blessed to serve alongside many great people at Harvest ever since.

      I am thankful to be a small part of the great work that God is doing at Harvest.

      Born in: 1973
      Birthplace: Roseville, CA
      Worship Leader since: 2009 (at Harvest)
      Instrument of choice: Guitar, Vocals
      Previous work: Session and Touring Musician, Singer-Songwriter
      Favorite Verse: 1 Corinthians 15:58
      Favorite worship song: It is constantly changing . . .
      Children: Brooke and Jake

      Adam Eaton

      Associate Pastor

      I don’t know when I was saved. The first time I prayed and asked Jesus to forgive my sins was at a Harvest kids’ Crusade around the age of 5. I didn’t really know what I was doing. I was the kid in junior high and high school that would go forward at almost every altar call to ask for forgiveness. I didn’t understand grace. I can’t look back at my life and say, “That was the day I became a Christian,” but as I began to learn more about God’s grace, I can say, “God’s grace is sufficient” and that I know that I am saved. I have been serving at Harvest in some capacity since serving on the Children’s Ministry security team at the ripe old age of 13. I still do not know why they allowed me to do that.

      Shortly after graduating junior high, I began serving as a leader in the ministry and have been serving there ever since. I have a passion for young people to know God through His Word and to make Him known. Jesus said in John 15:5, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” Without Jesus we cannot do anything for His kingdom. Everything that we do for God’s kingdom and in ministry must be done out of and fueled by our intimacy with Jesus, for apart from Him we can do nothing.

      Born in: 1986
      Birthplace: Upland
      Pastor since: 2014
      Previous work: Video Department
      Favorite scripture: Ephesians 2:4-5
      Married to: Heather Eaton
      Married since: August, 2015
      Children: Asher and Braxton

      Gabriel Velasquez

      Pastor of Advancement

      I grew up “having to go to church.” My mom was a single mom who loved my siblings and me dearly and she did everything she could to get us to church on Sunday mornings at a little Lutheran church in Fontana, California.

      I learned about Jesus there. I asked Him into my heart there. I fell in love with Him there. What I learned there I wanted to share with everyone I knew. As time went on, the fire in my heart dwindled to more of a “flicker.” I started to drift. I continued to attend church but I knew there was something more for me!

      I would always listen to Christian radio when I was feeling empty. I would listen to Pastor Greg on K-Wave in the mornings and couldn’t get enough. The Lord was speaking to me through him. So, one day I asked a buddy of mine to go with me on a Wednesday night to Harvest Christian Fellowship to see and hear him live. My life changed! I went from worshipping at that small Lutheran church (I’m talking an organ and choir, not that that’s a bad thing) to a rock band leading worship and Pastor Greg preaching the gospel.

      I rededicated my life to Jesus on that February night in 1992 and I haven’t looked back.

      Since then, God has been so good to me! I led worship for Day 7 here at Harvest for many wonderful years, and I was part of Pastor Steve Wilburn’s high school ministry called SWAT and led worship there as well.

      I met my wife, Tiffany, serving in the high school ministry together. We have been married since 2012 and we have two amazing kids: Paisley Grace and Milo James.

      Born in: 1973
      Birthplace: Fontana, CA
      Pastor since: 2012
      Previous work: Worship Pastor at Revival Christian Fellowship
      Favorite Scripture: John 3:16
      Married to: Tiffany
      Married since: 2012
      Children: Paisley, Milo