Good Friday at Harvest

Event Details:
April 18, 2025
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The Details

Jesus changes everything 

Join us in person or online for Easter services at Harvest Church! 

Come celebrate the new life that Jesus gives thanks to His resurrection from the dead! Invite friends and family for a time of worship and a message from Pastor Greg Laurie. 

April 18 | Good Friday Services 

Harvest Riverside 12:00 PM // 7:00 PM 

Harvest Orange County 12:00 PM // 7:00 PM 

Harvest Maui 6:00 PM 

April 20 | Easter Sunday 

Harvest Riverside 6:00 AM // 8:00 AM // 10:00 AM // 12:00 PM 

Harvest Orange County 6:00 AM // 8:00 AM // 10:00 AM // 12:00 PM 

Harvest Maui 6:00 AM // 8:00 AM // 10:00 AM 


Learn what’s going on at Harvest, find opportunities to connect and serve, and hear stories from people who are finding hope (and so much more) in Jesus.
