Bridget Uribe

Hello! I am Bridget, wife, mother of 5, and homeschooling for 10 years now, and I am excited about studying the Bible together! Our group has always been made up of women from all ages and stages which has been so blessed and we can’t wait to have you join us. Childcare is provided during our scheduled time of gathering (children ages 0-teens) Please do not hesitate to reach out should you have any questions.
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Hello! I am Bridget, wife, mother of 5, and homeschooling for 10 years now, and I am excited about studying the Bible together! 
Our group has always been made up of women from all ages and stages which has been so blessed and we can’t wait to have you join us. Childcare is provided during our scheduled time of gathering (children ages 0-teens) Please do not hesitate to reach out should you have any questions.


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