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Strong Community picture of celeste
Strong Community – Celeste’s Story
Jared Saavedra
Meet Celeste! Attending Harvest since 1990 with her entire family, they quickly started serving in the church. But after some time, Celeste began to search for community elsewhere. Outside of the church, she had friends, she was well liked, and had her own platform—only to find it was the emptiest time of her life. But her church family was praying
How We Got Involved – Butler’s Story
Are you doing your part to make Harvest your home? Jeffery and Kayla Butler want to encourage you to not just attend, but to take that next step and plug in like they did. It was when they got involved that God blessed them abundantly. Harvest became a community—a family to them. They love their church and when you plug
Building Roots at Harvest – Noelle’s Story
For Noelle, being a part of a small group helped her develop good Christian friendships and helped her grow and establish more roots in the church. It’s a place where she receives insight and where they all help build each other up.
Faithful Teaching and Community – Damara’s Story
After years of putting on the “good Christian girl” act, followed by a time of outright rebellion, Damara accepted the Lord into her life and made Harvest her home. The faithful teaching and sense of community at Harvest are just what she needs.
I Gotta Go to This Place – Larry’s Story
As soon as he heard Pastor Greg preach the gospel, Larry knew that Harvest needed to be his home church. Friendships made in his men’s group helped him to share his faith in the hospital while recovering from a stroke.
The Church Came to Me – Barb’s Story
Barb came to Harvest broken and searching for a relationship with the Lord. She found a loving congregation that she had always been looking for.
Called to Intercede
"Have you ever felt called but unable? Have you ever had a burden so deep on your heart to move..."